Chapter 842 Being molested
Princess Qionghua smiled, but Chu Yi said again: "Now I see Yuan Zhou and Yun Qian playing the piano and flute like this, I am so envious."

Princess Qionghua patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your marriage is on Auntie's shoulders. Auntie will definitely help you find a woman who is hundreds of times better than Yunqian."

Chu Yi glanced at Princess Qionghua, and said lightly: "My aunt has a heart."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Princess Qionghua folded her hands on her chest thoughtfully. He turned his head and said, "Auntie, I think you haven't eaten breakfast yet. I heard that the crystal dumplings in Zuixianglou are very good. Auntie Do you want to try it?"

Princess Qionghua smiled, knowing that he had seen the hurt in her heart, it would be no problem to stay here and watch, so she nodded slightly and followed.

Chu Yi and Princess Qionghua walked side by side, his eyes were full of deepness, he was a little sad, but he felt that this was actually very good.

At the end of the song, Yun Qian praised: "I really didn't expect Yuan Zhou to be so proficient in rhythm. I only sang it once that day and you can remember it so clearly."

Chu Yuanzhou blinked at her and said, "I didn't expect Qianqian to play the qin so well. The five-fingered qin demon who was on the boat before was pretending."

What he didn't say was that he took everything she said and did in the past to heart.

The corner of Yunqian's mouth raised slightly and said: "As you said, my piano can only be played in the morning or evening. If there is spring rain hitting the banana leaves and an oil lamp is lit in the house, it will be more perfect."

Chu Yuanzhou remembered what he said when he saved her from the siege, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly raised. It turned out that she also remembered what he said.

The two smiled at each other, and the unhappiness of last night had already disappeared.

Chu Yuanzhou said softly: "I was really scared last night, I thought you didn't want me anymore."

"Even if I don't want you anymore, I have to cure my concubine's illness first. I always do things from beginning to end." Yun Qian slightly raised her eyebrows and said.

The corners of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth curled up slightly, but he said aggrievedly: "So I am more important than your concubine mother in your heart!"

Yun Qian put away Yaoqin and said, "That's natural, Master Shi, it's time to give the mother and concubine the needle, do you want to send me back?"

"I'm so happy." The corners of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth curled up even more.

The mist dissipated, the sun rose from the east, and the two smiled at each other.

On the way back to the house, Yunqian heard a woman crying softly on the side of the road. She opened the curtain of the carriage curiously, but saw a man pulling a woman backwards and pulling them forward.

Yun Qian couldn't see a man bullying a woman like this, so she asked the driver to stop the car and shouted angrily, "Stop!"

The man froze for a moment, at this time Yun Qian was not wearing a gauze hat, and his beautiful face was exposed in front of others, the man looked at her with straightened eyes, stretched out his hand in an extremely obscene way: "Oh, the little lady was born so well Beauty, come, let me touch it."

Yun Qian looked at his salty pig's hand coldly, and was planning how to deal with him. A white light flashed in front of her, and the man's hand fell to the ground, and then blood spurted out, and he pulled her away in time with both hands. , There was no blood on her body at all.

The man didn't feel any pain at first, but when he saw the severed hand, he was so frightened that he yelled.

Chu Yuanzhou put his sword back into its sheath, and said coldly: "Things that don't have long eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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