Chapter 844 Master and Servant Reunited

Yun Qian didn't expect that her good intentions would cause the three of them to be like this, her eyes were suddenly full of anger, she gritted her teeth and said, "Yun Yan!"

Yilan knelt on the ground and said, "Miss, please help me!"

Yun Qian helped her up and said, "Don't be afraid, our master and servant meet again today, and we will never let you go back to the brothel."

Yilan wiped away her tears and said: "I beg Miss to find Yixiu, if she is caught, she will die."

Yun Qian nodded slightly, then turned to Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Yuanzhou, this matter will trouble you."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were deep, he nodded slightly, and he asked, "Which brothel did you get sold to?"

"Yiqing Building." Yilan replied softly.

Chu Yuanzhou was slightly startled when he heard the words, his eyes turned cold and he said: "Go back first, I will bring you back in a while."

Hearing what he said, Yun Qian recalled the way he had done it just now, and glanced at the man lying on the ground who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and couldn't help persuading him immediately: "If you can do it, don't do it."

Chu Yuanzhou knew what she was worried about, so he nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry."

Hearing what he said, Yun Qian felt even more worried. He smiled and said, "As long as they don't go too far, I won't take action under normal circumstances. I have killed enough people in the past few years, and I can't cut them too much." A little tired."

Yunqian heard the slight sadness in his words, and when she thought of the scars on his body, she felt sorry for him again, but this is the capital city and it is really not suitable to kill people.So he asked the coachman to help Yilan into the carriage first, and couldn't help but give a few more instructions.

After Yun Qian took Yilan back to the palace, she asked Yilan to wait in the room first, and she went to give the needle to Princess Chu first, and when she returned to her room, Chu Yuanzhou had already brought Yixiu back , still holding the deed of prostitution of the two of them in her hand, she saw that there was no blood on his body, so she felt relieved.

Yixiu was not hurt as badly as Yilan, and when the master and servant met, Yilan and Yixiu had to cry a lot. Although Yunqian's temper was a bit cold, seeing the two of them like this made her feel a little sad.

Her eyes deepened, and she applied medicine for the two of them, and asked them to change into clean clothes by themselves, so that they could rest and recuperate.

On the second day, she heard the news that the Yiqing Building in the capital was seized by someone.

She was startled immediately, and she knew who did it without guessing. She asked Chu Yuanzhou, "Did you do it?"

Chu Yuanzhou was decocting medicine for Princess Chu at that time, without raising his eyelids, he just said indifferently: "I did it, but I used a little trick, so it doesn't look like I did it."

Yun Qian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, moved a small stool and sat down beside him and said, "Thank you."

Chu Yuanzhou turned his head to look at her and said, "I've lost sight of Yiqinglou for a long time, but I didn't have a reason before, but now I have a reason, so I naturally have to do it."

Yun Qian's heart warmed up when she heard the words, she knew it, if it wasn't for her, Chu Yuanzhou would never have sealed up Yiqing Building for no reason.Chu Yuanzhou defended her so much, her eyes were full of tenderness.

The news of the closure of the Yiqing Building reached Lu Zhu's ears, her eyes were full of displeasure, she slapped the table and said, "What? Someone dared to close the Yiqing Building, who is so courageous? "

(End of this chapter)

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