Chapter 847
Yun Qian didn't know much about Lu Zhu's background. After she married into the Chu Palace, she had heard some things about Lu Zhu from the servants. She only knew that Lu Zhu and Chu King met before Princess Chu. After the princess, she bought a house outside and kept Lu Zhu outside until five years ago when she was welcomed back to the palace as a concubine.

When Yunqian first heard about this incident, she always felt a little strange. The matter of a man raising a foreign room is similar to raising a mistress in the 21st century. It is also possible to welcome Lu Zhu into the palace early as the king of Chu. In the early years, the king of Chu There are a lot of romantic debts, but there are not many Duoluzhu.

And if the King of Chu really had feelings for Lu Zhu, he could have found a way to marry Lu Zhu before marrying Princess Chu. There was no need to wait until Chu Tianyou grew up before carrying Lu Zhu into the Chu Palace in the name of a side concubine. .

But the king of Chu has never done this, which is quite thought-provoking.

Yun Qian's eyes deepened and said: "If the Yiqing Building belongs to Lu Zhu's property, it is equivalent to the property of the Chu Palace. If you have someone seal up the Yiqing Building, aren't you afraid of bringing disaster to the Chu Palace?"

"Father has never known about this matter." Chu Yuanzhou said lightly: "So the Yiqing Building cannot be regarded as the property of the Chu Palace. down."

When Yun Qian heard his words, she understood what he meant. She looked at him and said, "Are you going to tell Father about this?"

"Yes." Chu Yuanzhou replied calmly: "Lu Zhu relied on his father and king in the palace. Before that, his mother and concubine were not in good health, and I was not in the capital, so I kept my eyes open for her affairs. Close your eyes, the concubine mother is awake now, and she needs to take care of her body in the future, so she can't let such a slut disturb her concubine's rest!"

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Your Majesty is really considerate."

She has always felt that it is best for men not to interfere in these matters in the inner courtyard, otherwise it will appear too unmanly, but Chu Yuanzhou handles these matters with great arrogance.Sealing the Yiqing building grandiosely, and then letting Lu Zhu show himself, this is much more clever than the general number of Zhai Dou.

After Chu Yuanzhou glanced at her, he said with a ruffian smile, "I like watching theater the most, and I also like watching other people restless."

Princess Chu's illness recovered quickly under Yun Qian's careful diagnosis and treatment. It only took about ten days. Princess Chu was able to get out of bed and walk a few steps slowly, and her complexion was getting better and better.

Yun Qian reckoned that Princess Chu's health would recover after another month of training.

On the night of Chu Mo and Yun Yan's big wedding, Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou tossed and tossed all night, and the two of them almost stayed up all night. Yun Yan waited for Chu Mo in the room until the middle of the moon and did not see Chu Mo return to the room. , Yun Yan felt a little nervous and worried, but then she thought of Chu Mo's protection of her in every possible way during the day, and she felt that Chu Mo had no reason to ignore her.

It's just that Yun Yan felt a little uneasy after all, so she ordered her maid, Li'er, to go to the front yard to have a look. When Li'er came out, the guests in the courtyard had dispersed, and Chu Mo was sitting alone on the porch drinking.

Li'er walked up to him and bowed: "My lord, it's getting late, let's go back to the room earlier and rest!"

Li'er is Yunyan's maid brought over from Yunfu, she is not usually very smart, but she is more loyal to Yunyan.

(End of this chapter)

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