Chapter 865
This kind of Bai Luo made Princess Qionghua and Yun Qian stunned for a moment. Both of them felt their heads twitch. They were the ones who were furious when they came just now, but now it was Bai Luo who was holding a knife to kill someone. What is it!

Princess Qionghua couldn't come back to her senses for a while, but she saw Bai Luo striding towards a painting boat.

A gust of night wind blew, and Princess Qionghua finally came back to her senses. Bai Luo went to chop Chu Yuanzhou like this. According to Chu Yuanzhou's temperament, he was afraid that he would either die or be injured. Although she had a very bad impression of Bai Luo, but But she also felt that she was the only one who could bully Bai Luo, and if Chu Yuanzhou was beaten to death, it wouldn't be fun in the future.

She immediately pulled Yunqian and said, "Qianqian, follow me and have a look, don't kill anyone."

Seeing Bai Luo holding the knife, Yunqian finally came back to her senses. Even if she felt bad, she couldn't completely ignore this matter. Besides, Chu Yuanzhou still owed her an explanation for this matter today.

After all, Bai Luo is a man, he has big strides and walks fast, even Princess Qionghua and Yun Qian can't catch up with him when they trot.

Princess Qionghua was anxious and shouted angrily: "Bai Luo, stop for me!"

When she drank it, she had a sense of majesty, a bit of princess air.

But Bai Luo ignored her at all, and ran forward with big strides, Princess Qionghua was a little annoyed, seeing that Bai Luo couldn't be called, she had to go after her with big strides.

When Bai Luo jumped onto the boat in the center, Princess Qionghua and Yun Qian caught up with him. Princess Qionghua went up and pulled him, "Are you courting death?"

Bai Luo saw that Princess Qionghua's eyes at this moment did not have the indifference and disdain that she had seen before, but there was anger in her eyes. This slightly angry but somewhat cold look was really an out-and-out look. beauty.

He knew that this beautiful woman was thorny and poisonous, but his heart couldn't help but quicken, and he said softly: "The concubine Shizi saved my aunt, she is my great benefactor. If the concubine Shizi did such a thing, I would be sorry for the concubine Shizi. Seek justice for the princess."

Princess Qionghua liked his words, but she sneered and said: "You gave the man to Xiao Chuaner, why are you pretending to be a good person here at this time!"

Bai Luo was in a hurry: "I gave the man to the prince, but he didn't give it to the prince to enjoy. Besides, that person is not for the prince to use. He is clearly, clearly..."

He paused at this point, and even said a few words, but there was no more to say, but he gritted his teeth and said: "That person has another purpose, and at this time he has made such a big battle, just to be sorry for the concubine. It's not over with him!"

Princess Qionghua saw that he was blushing anxiously at this moment, her eyes that were not too big also contained a bit of anger, and her chubby figure also looked a little chubby and cute.

Princess Qionghua narrowed her eyes slightly and asked back: "Why are you messing with him? Let me hear."

Bai Luo was stunned for a moment, and Princess Qionghua sneered and said: "Don't put on a show in front of my old lady, my old lady really doesn't like those tricks, just leave me alone to cool off!"

Her words were so murderous that Bai Luo was stunned for a moment, and immediately didn't know what to say.

Princess Qionghua snatched the knife from his hand, and then walked in with big strides, but before she could take a step, Yun Qian grabbed her and said, "Sister, in the final analysis, this matter is mine. It's up to me to do it myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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