Chapter 870
Ye Wuchen also froze for a moment when Yunqian appeared. He was not as familiar with Yunqian as Chu Yuanzhou. In addition, Yunqian was half covered and put on heavy makeup, so he didn't recognize him at first. .

When he saw Chu Yuanzhou's slightly absent-minded movements, and then saw the cold brilliance in Yun Qian's eyes, he suddenly came to his senses. He really didn't expect Yun Qian to dance!
And dance on this occasion!
Ye Wuchen was a little absent-minded, he sat there blankly, his eyes were full of deep color, but he didn't know whether it was joy or worry.

He suddenly felt that even though he had been engaged to Yunqian since childhood, he never understood her. Earlier, he thought she was a weak woman, and then she was strong in front of him once; he thought she didn't Regardless of talent, her resignation almost didn't blind his eyes; he thought she obeyed her fate to marry him, and she chose to run away regardless of her fate; now, why didn't her dance that amazed the world amazed her so much? his heart.

It's just that he faintly felt that he and her seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

He knew that she appeared here tonight because of Chu Yuanzhou, she could show her face for him, and she could go on a boat and pretend to be a dancer!

Such a shocking and rebellious woman was originally the woman he despised the most in his heart. He thought it was too frivolous, but today he felt that not only was there no frivolity in her actions today, but full of affection.

Ye Wuchen's eyes closed slightly, and his heart was as bitter as yellow lotus.

Chu Yuan has always liked men, but lacked interest in women. Although Yun Qian danced well, his mind was on Yu Huan, so Chu Yuanzhou stared at Yun Wang, and Yu Huan stared at Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan looked at Yu Huan again.

The sound of silk and bamboo in the private room was very enthusiastic. Although the musicians saw that Yunqian's dance was different from what they had seen before, they thought it was a new trick, so they didn't bother to care about how Yunqian danced, and they played on their own playing musical instruments.

But no matter how warm the sound of silk and bamboo is, the atmosphere in the room is a bit weird.

Chu Yuan originally wanted to say a few words to Chu Yuanzhou and asked Chu Yuanzhou to give him Chu Yuan, but seeing that Chu Yuanzhou was watching seriously, he couldn't just interrupt like this, so he had to wait.

At the end of the song, Yun Qian jumped out of breath, her face was flushed, and there was a little water in her bright eyes.

Ye Wuchen had already stood up at this time, walked slowly to Yun Qian's side and gave a salute: "I have seen the master."

Yunqian originally wanted to leave after the dance, but after Chu Yuanzhou returned to the palace, he would settle the matter with him. Ye Wuchen walked in front of her at this time, and she had the intention of dismantling her. .

She sighed in her heart, this Ye Wuchen is really on her shoulders, she always thought he was farting when he said that he was her servant earlier, but now it is good, every time he sees her, he has to act like a master servant gift.

She smiled lightly, and her mind was spinning quickly, how could she complete this play.

She used to have the reputation of being crazy and stupid, so she didn't care much about these things, but now that she is married to Chu Yuanzhou, she has to take his face into consideration.In this dynasty, women in boudoirs seldom learn to dance, because in the eyes of literati, most of the women who can dance are a little frivolous. According to Ye Wuchen's temperament, he will definitely find a way to expose her identity.

(End of this chapter)

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