Chapter 877 I'm not afraid of you
So Princess Qionghua held her position high and said calmly: "You want to go back to the capital, and this princess will also go back to the capital. There is nothing wrong with this step, so you can go back with me."

No matter how calm she spoke, even as shrewd as Bai Luo could hear the lack of confidence in her words,
Bai Luo said indifferently: "I know that the princess and aunt have always disliked me, thinking that I'm fat and ugly, which is very annoying. I still have this self-knowledge. It's dark tonight, and I'm afraid I look even uglier when I look like this. , I dare not scare my aunt in front of my aunt."

After he finished speaking, he was about to leave, feeling extremely happy in his heart. He suffered a lot in front of Princess Qionghua and was ridiculed countless times by her. At this moment, he could finally reject her directly. He felt extremely happy.

Princess Qionghua said angrily: "Bai Luo, stop for this princess, if you dare to leave me here alone tonight, after returning to Beijing, I will destroy your nine clans!"

"Princess, don't scare me like this. Bai Luo thinks she knows a little about the code." The corners of Bai Luo's mouth curled up slightly and said, "Although the princess is very much loved by the emperor, she usually turns a blind eye to the emperor in the capital. , but the Baifu is not an ordinary commoner. The money in his hands can buy not only the entire capital, but half of it is more than enough. The princess wants to destroy my nine clans. With that ability, my aunt is still Princess Chu, and my cousin is still the eldest son of Chu Palace, so is it possible that the princess still wants to kill them all?"

Bai Luo's words were a bit cold, and he didn't bother to call Princess Qionghua an aunt anymore, and his heart was filled with the joy of avenging his revenge.

In Princess Qionghua's eyes, Bai Luo was both lustful and incompetent. Although these words were extremely hateful, they were shrewd and masculine.

She bit her lip and said, "You're right, I really can't destroy your nine clans, but you will never have a good life in the future."

Bai Luo smiled and said: "The princess makes a lot of sense. It is true that I will not have a good life when I see the princess in the future, but even if there is nothing tonight, when the princess sees me, how can she let me have a good life? The last time I was just sending a letter for the eldest son, the princess stripped me and put me in Jinghong Villa to humiliate me in every possible way. It will be nothing more than that in the future. I will naturally hide away when I see the princess in the future, and I will never do this to the princess again. Opportunity."

As soon as he finished speaking, he whistled and walked forward with great joy. He suffered so much at her hands, and it is so happy to be able to ask for some back today.

But Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of fear, she lowered her body to show weakness and said: "I know that what I did before was a bit too much, so it's better like this, you walk back to the capital with me, our grievances will be compared. Cancel it, how about it?"

She has always been soft and tough, but when she said such soft words at this time, she thought in her heart that after returning to the capital, she must take good care of this villain who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

Hearing this, Bai Luo said with a smile: "Bai knows a little bit about the princess' methods, and she also followed the princess' way on the square last time, so I will never believe what the princess says, I'm afraid the princess will go back to the capital The first thing to do afterwards is to skin Bai Mou."

While talking, he strode forward.

(End of this chapter)

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