Chapter 881 Ingratitude
Princess Qionghua's eyes widened suddenly, and she raised her foot and kicked Bai Luo. Bai Luo was already prepared, and her slender legs kicked her. He hugged her and said, "I feel like yesterday The princess at night is still cuter."

"You took off my clothes?" This sentence was a question, but what Princess Qionghua said was an affirmative sentence.

Bai Luo hugged her leg and nodded, "Of course, otherwise, who would Aunt Princess want to take off your clothes for you?"

Princess Qionghua narrowed her eyes slightly, but Bai Luo smiled indifferently, there was still some interest in those small eyes.

Princess Qionghua saw his humble look, she wished to kick him over, and then beat his dog head violently, a very faint smile appeared from the corner of her mouth and said: "Don't you want to be The guest of honor for this princess?"

Since Bai Luo saw her incomparably weak appearance last night, he had long since disbelieved the words she said, so he glanced at Princess Qionghua with a slight smile and said, "I don't have too many guests with Aunt Princess. If I want to be the princess's man, I want to be Cui Cheng."

The name Cui Cheng has not been mentioned in front of her for many years, for fear of touching her sad past, when Bai Luo mentioned it, she trembled when she heard the name.

The corner of Bai Luo's mouth twitched slightly: "Why, the princess still remembers that heartless man?"

"Who told you?" Princess Qionghua said coldly. Many years have passed between her and Cui Cheng. Few people in Beijing know about the existence of Cui Cheng.

Bai Luo looked at Princess Qionghua seriously and said: "Of course the princess told me, otherwise how would I know the name of the princess's former son-in-law?"

Princess Qionghua was stunned for a moment, she frowned and said, "I told you?"

"The princess had a nightmare last night, and she kept calling her by this name." Bai Luo suppressed the smile on his face, looked at Princess Qionghua firmly and said.

Princess Qionghua was slightly stunned, and immediately said angrily: "Fuck your mother, how could I call that straight mother thief's name?"

After Bai Luo heard Princess Qionghua's scolding, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, he just looked at Princess Qionghua with a smile, but didn't speak.

Princess Qionghua said angrily: "What do you think I am doing?"

"I was just thinking that the princess is still scolding Cui Cheng, but I think she hasn't really let go. For a man who doesn't love her at all, the princess seems to have paid too much for him." Bai Luo's voice cooled down. , looking at her with a flat gaze.

Princess Qionghua gritted her teeth and said: "That's a private matter between me and the princess, it's none of your business! Let go!"

After she finished speaking, she wanted to pull back Bai Luo's foot, but Bai Luo hugged her so tightly that she couldn't pull it back.

Princess Qionghua said furiously: "Bai Luo, if you don't let go, don't blame this princess for being rude to you."

"Aunt Princess probably forgot that this is the White Mansion, not Jinghong Villa. If Aunt Princess wants to be rude to me, I'm afraid she has to leave here first. When I stay here, I'm afraid everything must be done. Listen to me first." Bai Luo's mouth curled up slightly.

Princess Qionghua was stunned for a moment, but quickly came back to her senses, raised her other leg and was about to kick it, Bai Luo smiled and said, "Why didn't Aunt Princess ask me, what else did you say last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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