Chapter 884
However, Bai Luo said in an extremely manly way: "I used to think you were smart, but now I see you are an out-and-out stupid, for a man who is not worth it at all, a man who will only hurt you, you are actually a fool." You don't even want the happiness that should belong to you, you are destined to live alone for the rest of your life with your appearance, and you will be drunk to death in the dark night from now on!"

After Bai Luo said these words, he looked at her with incomparable disdain, quickly got up from her body, and then walked out without looking back.

Princess Qionghua was stunned after hearing his words, she sat there unable to recover for a while.

She stretched out her hands to cover her face, Bai Luo's hands were not gentle, she felt her face was in severe pain, remembering the look he had just looked at her just now, she was slightly dazed.

No one had ever dared to show her that kind of look in front of her. When she recovered, she sat on the ground and cursed angrily: "Bai Luo, how dare you hit this princess, this princess wants to destroy your nine clans!"

At this time, Bai Luo had gone far away, so she couldn't hear her words, the room was empty, she was a little in a trance, and suddenly felt that those words sounded a bit empty.

She used to think that Bai Luo was a coward, and she didn't dare to show off in front of her on weekdays, but now she felt that she seemed to have made a mistake. If this man was really cowardly, how could he make such a big business .

She sighed softly, and saw that there was a pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table. Bai Luo was busy with things, and some accounts were not finished. He would take them to his room to do them, so there were always these things in his room. .

Princess Qionghua wrote on the white paper: "If you dare to slap me today, I will repay it a hundred times in the future!"

After she finished writing, she felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, so she pulled the rice paper away, and wrote on the lower one: "I owe you for sending me back last night, and I will pay you back in the future." You, but if you dare to say what I said last night, I will make your entire Bai Mansion restless!"

After finishing writing these, Princess Qionghua walked out swaggeringly.

After returning to the room, Bai Luo saw what she had written, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly. Would this woman die if she wasn't so strong?The more she didn't want to see him, the more he wanted to see her in the future. He wanted to see what she could do to him!
With her, as long as you have a thicker skin than her.

After Chu Yuanzhou and Yunqian returned to the palace, neither of them spoke. Yunqian asked Huanyu to fetch a basin of water, and then washed Chu Yuanzhou's face. She doesn't speak.

Yun Qian pursed her lips slightly and asked, "Are you angry?"

"No." Chu Yuanzhou looked at her and said, "I just thought you were very aggressive today."

The corners of Yunqian's mouth curled up slightly, and she looked at him and said, "There's nothing wrong with you, right?"

"Although the whole thing is a little deviant, overall it's okay, and the goal has been achieved." Chu Yuanzhou said softly, "It's just that poor Yu Huan was stabbed by you, and I'm afraid she won't be able to sit for half a month. "

Yun Qian couldn't help but ask, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​bringing a man like Yu Huan with you?"

"He is the only descendant of the Gong family. Because he was born delicate, he was raised by an actor and specialized in Danjiao, so his words and deeds are very similar to those of a woman, and he doesn't have much manliness in him." Chu Yuanzhou smiled. explained.

(End of this chapter)

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