Chapter 897 Pull out the root of your tongue
Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being startled, and they all stared at Yun Qian with wide eyes.

Yunqian said indifferently: "What kind of skill is it for an old man to hurt someone because he can't beat a weak woman? You'd better go back and let your parents teach you well, so as not to embarrass yourself here."

She wore a gauze hat on her head, and everyone couldn't see her appearance clearly. Seeing that she only used one needle and let the man beat them violently, most of them were shocked and took a step back.

The man who slapped himself was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak more.

The woman was slightly surprised when she saw Yun Qianlu's hand, and there was a slight smile in her royal blue eyes. She glanced at Yun Qianlu and said, "Thank you!"

"I should be the one to say thank you." Yun Qian took a step forward gracefully and said, "I seldom go out on weekdays, but when I came out today, I heard everyone gossip. The matter with the Shizi Concubine is very clear, and even the details can be said one, two, three, so you think you are very familiar with the Shizi?"

She asked the storyteller, and the storyteller said with a blushing face, "I'm just a commoner in Beijing, how can I know Shi Ziye? I just glanced at him from a distance."

Yun Qian asked again: "So, you should be very familiar with Shi Zifei?"

"I saw her when she married Ye Wuchen, she was absolutely ugly to the extreme!" said the man who was in the box next to Yunqian earlier: "I have never seen her so ugly and fierce." Incomparable woman!"

Yunqian recalled the incident when she and Ye Wuchen broke off the engagement at the gate of Yunfu when she first came through time travel.

She said slowly: "You can tell that she is that kind of woman after seeing her once? Then I will meet you today and listen to your right and wrong in front of people. When I see you in the future, don't I have to be in front of others?" Saying that you like to gossip about people and gossip about Taoists is even more exaggerated than the most gossiping old lady in the alley. A little manly."

"Nonsense." The man said angrily, "How can I be like that kind of woman?"

"I don't think there is any essential difference." Yun Qian said slowly: "The nature is the same."

The man looked Yun Qian up and down and said, "Madam is a lady of every family at first glance, she is a well-educated person, how can she understand what a shrew like Shi Zifei is doing? How can you use the standard in front of you to measure a woman?" madman?"

Yun Qian asked with a smile: "Do I look like a lady?"

She was standing there dignified and generous, even though she couldn't see her face, she could still see the demeanor exuding from her body. Although she was not expensive, it was definitely not inferior to the most educated ladies in the capital.

The man replied: "This is something that a discerning person can tell at a glance. Madam is either rich or noble. Why do you have to fight for the concubine like this foreign woman?"

Yun Qian couldn't help but laugh and said, "I think you've been talking behind your back for so long, but it's because the son and concubine Shizi don't pursue it with you, otherwise, I'm afraid you'll really pull out the roots of your tongues."

(End of this chapter)

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