Chapter 899 Still Reputable
"Madam is beyond words, how can she be vulgar?" the man answered frankly.

The corner of Yunqian's mouth twitched slightly and said, "Then how do I compare with Shi Zifei?"

"The difference between cloud and mud." The man glanced at Yun Qian with admiration and said.

"Huanyu, slap your mouth!" Yun Qian ordered lightly.

Huanyu responded, raised his hand and gave the man a slap, the man was slightly stunned and said, "Why did you hit me?"

Yun Qian's eyes turned, and she smiled and said: "You are talking nonsense, making up nonsense, and telling people right and wrong. Today I will not only beat you, but also send you to the government for investigation."

"Why are you doing this?" the man asked slightly angrily.

Yun Qian said with a strong smile: "Just because I am Yun Qian, the ugly, crazy, stupid and fierce Yun Qian! That is the concubine you said is extremely unworthy of the prince of Chu!"

As soon as she said this, everyone in the room froze, and the man said in disbelief: "Impossible, could you be Yunqian!"

Yun Qian said lightly: "Why can't I be Yun Qian?"

After a slight pause, she said, "Huanyu, tell him who I am?"

Huanyu took out the waist card of Prince Chu's mansion from his pocket and put it on the table, then said loudly: "This fifth lady who was born in the Yunfu concubine of your maidservant is also ugly, crazy, stupid and stupid as you said. The fierce concubine is also the elegant, generous and well-educated lady you said! Here is the badge of the Chu Palace, if you don’t believe me, you can go to the Chu Palace to check it now!"

Huanyu's words were quite imposing, and the man froze there, stuttering for a while, not knowing what to say.

Yunqian said gracefully: "Thanks to my son's blessing, I have become the fiercest and ugliest woman in Beijing. Usually, everyone may only know my fierceness from stories made up by you. I am really sorry today, so I can only trouble you." The son has confirmed the reputation of being fierce for me."

As soon as she finished speaking, the man was dumbfounded, just at this time the attendant came over, she waved her hand lightly, the attendant dragged the man from the ground and threw him directly into the government office.

Yun Qian glanced at the man and sighed softly. She was familiar with this man. If she remembered correctly, he was the man who embraced Yun Zheng in Ming Zhuang that day.

She originally wanted to let this man go wild in Yunzheng's face, but how could such a troublesome man be worthy of Yunzheng?She naturally wanted to teach him a lesson.

Yun Qian saw that the spectators and storytellers around her were still in a daze, and she said gracefully: "I'm sorry, I let everyone see my fierceness today, and also spoiled everyone's interest. I have always been generous and let others Gossip behind my back, but I don't like others to treat me as a fool, so I can only teach that dear friend a lesson."

When she said this, people in the room looked at me and I looked at you, and no one dared to say a word.

Yun Qian said with a smile on her face, "Where did the story go just now? You keep talking, and I will keep listening. I haven't come out for a long time. I really don't know that I am so famous now."

After she finished speaking, she sat down generously.

The storyteller was already frightened, so he didn't dare to continue talking. He knelt in front of Yunqian with a pale face and said, "Princess Shizi, please spare me, we are just eating together."

(End of this chapter)

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