Chapter 908 Princess Tuoyin
As soon as Chu Yuanzhou finished speaking, he left on his own.

Chu Yi sighed softly when he saw his back, his thoughts were very clear in Chu Yi's heart, for the past few months he had been buried in editing history books, and he had hardly left the Imperial Academy. Because Chu Yuanzhou could guess what he was thinking.

Chu Yi also felt that Chu Yuanzhou's proposal was correct, but he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. No matter how well he hid some things, there were times when people would spy on them.

His eyes deepened, but he didn't want to go back to the Hanlin Academy anymore. He felt oppressed by the heavy books in the deep courtyard, and he wanted to find a place to breathe.

There was a fresh snowfall last night, and the entire imperial palace was covered in pale white snow. He didn't like this whiteness, he always felt it was too pale.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Chu Yi tightened the black cloak on his body.

After walking out of the Imperial Academy, the left side is towards the harem, the front is towards the Imperial Garden, the right side is towards the palace, and the back is the amusement park. Although there are several palaces there, few people live there.Because of the cold weather, there was no one in the playground. He wanted to be alone and calm down his thoughts.

He was standing under a field of redbuds, and it was mid-winter at this time, and the leaves of the redbuds had already fallen, leaving only the brown trunks.

The trunks are winding, drawing a dull color in the snow.

He gently pulled the tree trunk, and the snow that had not condensed into ice fell, sprinkled on his black cloak, and some went straight into his neck.

He felt a little cold, but he didn't reach out to pick it up. Instead, he closed his eyes, allowing fine snowflakes to fly in the air.

There were footsteps not far away, and he turned his head to look, and saw a handsome woman wearing cotton floral inlaid white fox collar standing aside. The woman's hair was all braided in tiny braids. Eyes like sapphires.

The appearance of the woman is that of a foreign woman, and the only foreign woman entering the palace today is Tuoguo Princess Nangong Wushuang.

Chu Yi guessed the woman's identity immediately. He remembered what Chu Yuanzhou said to him just now, and his eyes dimmed.

He stood there without moving, but raised his eyebrows slightly. His originally cold and indifferent face was even more repulsive at this moment, without a trace of warmth.

Nangong Wushuang was also quite surprised to see him. Since she returned to Tuoyin Palace, she would often find an empty place to be alone. Although the man in front of her was handsome and handsome, but his eyes were cold, he was probably a person with worries .

She knew that the rules in Da Zhou's palace were much more complicated than Tuo Yin's. Not everyone could enter Da Zhou's palace, and the man in front of her could walk in the palace at will, so her status was not low.

Before she came, she had sent someone to check the information of the royal family of the Great Zhou, but in her opinion, the person in front of her could not be connected with the children of the royal family in the information for a while.

She didn't speak, but remembered that when she felt lonely, she would hide under the wisteria tree, and let the dense purple flower sea cover her. At this time, Chu Yi's behavior was different from her behavior in her opinion. Incomparable.

Because of this level, she felt a little sympathetic to him in her heart, and she couldn't help but soften a little.

The corners of her mouth were slightly hooked, and she smiled at Chu Yi with a gentle and friendly smile.

(End of this chapter)

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