Chapter 917 Princess Marriage
Yun Qian didn't know why Chu Yuanzhou would say such a thing, remembering what he said yesterday, she immediately asked, "Yuanzhou, it could be that Nangong Wushuang really wants to marry you?"

Chu Yuanzhou was taken aback by her question, and then sighed, "Qianqian, if only that Nangong Wushuang was half as smart as you!"

Yun Qian's eyes darkened when she heard his words, and said after slightly moving: "It seems that I'm right."

"It's not all right, it's only a little bit short." Chu Yuanzhou briefly recounted what happened in the hall today.

Yun Qian sat at the table and thought for a while, then said: "I met Nangong Wushuang yesterday. She is actually a smart woman. Thinking about what she said at the time, there was nothing she could do. She was a weak woman who went to the capital to choose a husband. not easy."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows in noncommittal, but Yunqian smiled again and said: "There is worry on her brows, thinking that this marriage is not what she wanted, since she didn't choose you, when she sees her in the future You have to be forgiving and forgiving, and don't embarrass her too much."

Chu Yuanzhou blinked and asked after hearing the words: "What if she insists on marrying me? What should you do?"

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and she glanced at Chu Yuanzhou's lower abdomen and said, "Then I will make you never lift it first, and then I will kill her!"

Chu Yuanzhou shuddered and said, "Lady, you are so cruel! I wouldn't even dare to lend me ten guts!"

Yun Qian smiled slightly when she heard the words, her eyes became gentler, but her thoughts deepened.

Chu Yuanzhou was the Minister of Rites, and Nangong Wushuang's marriage fell on him. When the emperor asked him to handle it, he was very reluctant. He wanted to find seven or eight excuses to push the matter away, but the emperor refused to let him. Rejecting the opportunity, he stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yuanzhou, although the marriage of Princess Wushuang is not very important to my court, it is also a little delicate. If this matter is done well, Tuo Yin will be able to obediently surrender as soon as possible." You have a good relationship, and I can't rest assured that I will leave this matter to you."

Because the emperor's words were suppressed, Chu Yuanzhou had no right to refuse. He accepted the job with a bitter face. To Chu Yuanzhou's surprise, none of the courtiers and princes in Beijing were willing to marry Nangong. Peerless.

Chu Yuanzhou is very good at torturing people, but this is the first time he has arranged a marriage for others. Two days later, he frowned slightly when he heard the result, waved his hand, and asked his subordinates to find the official media. Choose a consort for the princess.

There are two reasons for him to do this, one is that he doesn't want to get angry with himself, and the other is that he knows the real reason why the court ministers don't want to marry Nangong Wushuang, apart from Nangong Wushuang's special status, it is because she has a pair of sapphire blue eyes , all the princes looked down on her identity, and the ministers in the court thought that the children born to blue-eyed women did not know what color they were.

He only gave the official media five days, and if they couldn't find a suitable partner, they would be punished severely.

Although he didn't say what he would punish, but he was well-known in the capital, and everyone knew that Shi Ziye's thoughts were very measurable. When punishing people, he might not beat or kill, but it would definitely make life worse than death.

Because of this level of relationship, the official media has suppressed everything in the past few days and tried their best to find a husband for Nangong Wushuang.

At home, Yunqian heard that Chu Yuanzhou's arrangement was a little funny, but she didn't get involved in his affairs, and felt a little bit of a sigh for Nangong Wushuang.

(End of this chapter)

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