Chapter 919 No Smoke Warning
Yunqian followed Lu Zhu through the long fence and came to the side hall when she met Ye Wuyan and Mrs. Ye, but she didn't see Yunzheng. Ye Wuyan saw Yunqian gave a slight salute. The eldest concubine of the palace has a higher status than Ye Wuyan, at this time Ye Wuyan saluted, Yun Qian just nodded slightly.

But Lu Zhu said hello: "I haven't seen Miss Ye for a long time, I have time to come to Chu Palace to sit."

"Thank you Consort Lu." Ye Wuyan replied politely.

Mrs. Ye said indifferently: "Last time Concubine Lu Fang said she had a pretty trick, I've been wanting to borrow it to have a look, I don't know when Concubine Lu Fang is convenient?"

Lu Zhu said with a smile: "Mrs. Ye can come to the palace to visit at any time. If Mrs. Ye is not free, I can send a maid to send it to you."

Yunqian knew that the noble ladies in Beijing would all embroider together, but she didn't expect that Mrs. Ye and Lu Zhu had a good relationship, so she kept a secret in her heart.

Mrs. Ye and Yun Qian also said hello, but because of Ye Wuchen's matter, Mrs. Ye has always had a grudge against Yun Qian, so she just said hello and then dragged Lu Zhu to talk.

Yun Qian understood Madam Ye's reaction very well, and she just nodded slightly at the moment.

Ye Wuyan walked in front of Yunqian and said, "The people from the Su residence are also coming to see the ice sculptures today, so the concubine should be more careful."

Yun Qian didn't expect Ye Wuyan to tell her this, her eyes widened but she smiled and said: "Everyone can see the ice sculptures, people from the Su Mansion will come as soon as they come, what's the big deal?"

Ever since seeing Ye Wuyan in Ningde last time, Yunqian has never seen Ye Wuyan again. When Day and Ye Wuyan brought Chu Yi's jade pendant to Chu Yi by Chu Yuanzhou, she felt that Ye Wuyan had changed a little. , but in her heart, she was still wary of Ye Wuyan.

Ye Wuyan sighed softly after hearing the words: "I know that the concubine Shizi still has some knots with me, but in my heart, she has already put the son down. There is no grudge between you and me. Last time at Jinghong Villa, I was fascinated by ghosts. After listening to Su Rushi's provocation, that's why I have hatred towards the concubine Shizi. It's just that time has passed, and I feel a little ashamed when I think about the past. It is really wrong for Su Rushi to pick and choose to avenge the concubine's kindness."

Yun Qian was a little surprised to hear her speak so bluntly, but smiled and said: "It's just a small matter, Miss Ye doesn't need to take it to heart. Besides, Ye Fu has married Yun Fu now, and you are also my second sister My sister-in-law, if you count carefully, we are also considered relatives."

Ye Wuyan nodded slightly, then moved closer to Yunqian and said, "Although I don't know the relationship between you and Concubine Lu, I always feel that Concubine Lu is not a good person. Be careful, people from the Su Mansion are here today, don't follow Concubine Lu to those secluded places later, otherwise something may happen today."

"People from the Su Mansion?" Yunqian thought of Su Changqing who stood up for Su Qiaohui in the Yun Mansion that day, Su Rushi who died, and Su Qiaohui who was lying on the sickbed with only one breath. She seemed to be with the people of the Su Mansion Yes, there are still some accounts that have not been settled.

It's just that Lu Zhu and Su's house colluded, which surprised her a little, and found that Lu Zhu seemed to be in peace these days, but he was not idle at all.

(End of this chapter)

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