Chapter 921

If she relied solely on calculations, Yun Qian thought that she would never lose to Lu Zhu, but if she added Su Changqing, who was a master of martial arts, she felt that she was not very sure of winning today's event.

She bit her lip lightly, she already had some concerns in her heart, she confessed a few words to Huanyu and Shuxiu in the hut, and then led them out.

Lu Zhu was already waiting outside at this time, and asked with some concern: "Is the concubine Shi Zi better?"

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Concubine Lu is worried, and she has improved a lot. I have a bad stomach since I was a child, so Concubine Lu is worried!"

After finishing speaking, she gently took Lu Zhu's hand, and walked out slowly.

Lu Zhu nodded slightly when he heard the words, it was noon, Yun Qian excused that he was a little hungry, and took Lu Zhu to a nearby restaurant for lunch, Lu Zhu looked at the time, afraid that Yun Qian would become suspicious also agreed.

When having lunch, Yun Qian said with a smile: "It's cold, a hot soup is the best way to warm you up. I heard that the mutton soup here is a must. Concubine Luside must drink a bowl."

Yun Qian's words were nonsense. When she came in, she saw a fat sheep hanging at the door of the store, so she guessed that there must be mutton in this restaurant, and in such a winter season, mutton soup is a must-have soup in the restaurant.

The clerk at the side smiled and said: "This lady is very right. The mutton soup in our store is really unique, nourishing and warm."

Lu Zhu smiled and said: "Shi Zifei said that the soup here is delicious, I think it won't be bad."

But she was thinking in her heart, this restaurant is just a very ordinary restaurant, it has no special features, and the mutton soup would not be very good after all.

Yun Qian ordered two more home-cooked dishes, and then asked Lu Zhu to order some more. Lu Zhu had something on his mind, so he ordered a few dishes at random.

The two chatted a few words about family matters. Even though they both had something on their minds at this time, both of them were the kind of people who could hide their thoughts deeply. , It's just that the more this is the case, the more suspicion the two have about each other.

The dishes came out soon, and Huanyu served Yunqian with vegetables, and just as the soup was also served, Yunqian asked Huanyu to serve her a bowl of soup, Huanyu responded, and picked up a small bowl to serve Soup, after the soup was served, he was about to pass it to Yunqian, when the sound of firecrackers suddenly sounded outside, Huanyu was so frightened that his hands shook, the soup bowl left his hand, and Lu Zhu was covered with a bowl of hot soup.

Yun Qian hurriedly wiped Lu Zhu's clothes with a towel, and after the sound of firecrackers stopped, she scolded angrily: "It's safe to do things on weekdays, why is it so frizzy today?"

Huanyu said softly: "I'm afraid of the sound of firecrackers, so when I heard the sound of firecrackers, my hands shook..."

Yun Qian gave her a hard look and said, "I know you were afraid of hearing the sound of firecrackers since you were a child, but no matter how afraid you are, you can't pour a whole bowl of soup on Concubine Luside. How does the concubine look at the ice sculptures? I don't know if it burned the concubine on the side of the road."

Huanyu had no choice but to accompany her all the time, Yun Qian shouted: "Don't apologize to me, now it's up to Concubine Lu Fangyuan to forgive you!"

Her tone was a little fierce, with a bit of cold air.

Lu Zhu knew that Huanyu was Yunqian's dowry maid, and the relationship was unusual. At this moment, Yunqian had already scolded Huanyu, and if she scolded Huanyu again, it would appear that she had no temper, so she smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, in winter The clothes are thick, but they are not burnt, just be more careful in doing things in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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