Chapter 931
At this moment, the sound of the couch falling came from the shed behind him.

Yun Qian turned her head to look, but saw that the wood in the middle of the huge greenhouse had been pushed down. The construction of this greenhouse was completely different from the greenhouses that Yun Qian was familiar with in the 21st century. It was a greenhouse built of wood, and the outside was covered with mud. The most important thing is the huge log in the center. At this time, when the log fell, the greenhouse without gravity support collapsed.

It's just that when the greenhouse is upside down, it's also upside down. The flowers grown in the greenhouse are quietly overwhelmed at this moment. In an instant, there is the sound of pots falling to the ground behind them. The flower pots fell to the ground, and the flowers turned into mud. The green leaves are broken into pieces.

It turned out that when the flower girl saw Yun Qian escaped, she knew that today's event was very likely to fail, so she simply tore down the shed and wanted Yun Qian to be buried in the shed.

Yun Qian bit her lip, not caring about the way the flowers fell to the ground. Even if Su Changqing hadn't chased after her, she would have been crushed to death if the shed fell.

Huanyu and Shuxiu had never seen such a scene before, their eyes were full of fear.

Yun Qian yelled, "Go, don't look back!"

She knew that if she turned her head at this time, on the one hand, she would be frightened, and on the other hand, it would affect her running speed.

At this time, one more step forward may be life, and one step slower may be death.

There was a rumbling sound of the shed falling behind him, and the south gate was close in front of him.

The smell of mud rushed towards her face, and the dust splashed under her feet. Yun Qian knew that the shed had fallen to her side, and even if she ran, it would be too late.

She gritted her silver teeth, and threw herself out. Huanyu and Shuxiu saw her rushing like this, so they also jumped out like her.

The moment Yunqian jumped out with Huanyu and Shuxiu, the shed behind him had collapsed into a pile of dirt, and the three of them fell to the ground with pale faces.

Yunqian's body is weak, and she had exhausted all her strength when she ran just now. Now lying on the ground like this, she just felt that her whole body was limp. After she came to this world, she experienced dangers, and she felt that these dangers were like the past. Just like playing games to fight monsters, the difficulty is higher and higher every time.

She cursed in her heart, she was about to get up, but she saw a pair of brown dresses in front of her eyes, she raised her head slightly, and saw Su Changqing's stern face, she bit her lip lightly, wanting to get off the ground Standing up, Su Changqing had already stepped on her hand, and then a cold voice came: "You are so capable, Shizifei!"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. My uncle still bullies weak girls as before." Yun Qian said coldly.

Su Changqing's hand hurt from stepping on her, she clenched her teeth and did not make a sound, already thinking about how to get out.

Su Changqing stepped on her hand and turned around on the ground. Yun Qian frowned in pain. After stepping on her hand, he squatted in front of Yun Qian and said, "Hand over my sister's antidote, and I will let you die." Have fun."

His eyes were full of ferocity, and he looked at Yun Qian as if he was looking at a dead person, and there was a bit of complacency in his eyes.

Yun Qian smiled and said: "A quicker death is nothing more than death. I won't take out the antidote. In less than three months, Su Qiaohui will come to accompany me. After the underworld, I will continue to torture her."

There was a stern look in Su Changqing's eyes and he said, "You don't need to say anything, but I can slowly torture you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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