Chapter 948
Yun Qian is a doctor, so he knows that he will not widen the wound if he does this, but he should take her feelings into consideration at least!

She was so painful that her eyes and eyebrows were all twisted into a ball, but Chu Yuanzhou had already bandaged her wound clumsily. She looked at the arm wrapped like a dumpling, and coughed lightly: "Yuanzhou usually does the same. This is how you bandage your own wound?"

"I usually don't cover small wounds like yours, but the flesh and skin on your body are tender, so they definitely need to be bandaged." Chu Yuanzhou explained lightly: "When I was injured before, usually There is a military doctor to bandage me. If there is no military doctor, there will be a few soldiers around me. By the way, you have bandaged me once. Your bandages are not bad, but my soldiers’ bandages are far worse than mine. .”

Yun Qian expressed that he didn't believe his nonsense, but he smiled and said: "You are also a doctor, so the bandaging technique is naturally superb. We are men who are five big and three rough, so how can we do such meticulous work. But I think I will do it for you today. You wrapped it up very successfully, look, how beautiful it is! It’s thick and tight, much better looking than the zongzi I made before, and it’s still very warm in this winter!”

When Yun Qian heard his nonsense, she felt that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were trembling. Master, can you make more nonsense?

Her eyes slanted slightly, and Chu Yuanzhou folded his arms around his chest and said: "So Qianqian, you really don't need to thank me, if you want to thank me, you can go to Concubine Lu and you when you made that wise decision."

Hearing what he said, Yun Qian immediately withered like a deflated ball.

Chu Yuanzhou said again: "But I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. I used to tell myself every time I got an injury, and I would never get hurt by the same thing or the same trick again."

When Yunqian heard his words, the light in his eyes moved slightly, and his eyes suddenly deepened.

Chu Yuanzhou just looked at her with a faint smile, then turned his head and walked out.

Yunqian felt that although what Chu Yuanzhou said today was reasonable, but what he did seemed to be too much, she sighed softly, and had to remove the gauze and re-bandage it herself.

Chu Yuanzhou felt that there was some truth in what Yunqian said that the man would not fight the woman in the inner house, but there was no absolute truth, it still depended on who the woman was.

He walked outside King Chu's house, and as soon as he approached, he heard soft weeping voices coming from the room: "My lord, nothing happened at all, it's just the princess concubine talking nonsense!"

Chu Yuanzhou turned his eyes slightly when he heard these words, and immediately leaned on the pine tree beside him to listen to the movement in the house.

The cold and stern voice of the King of Chu came: "Is she talking nonsense? Why does she want to spread rumors about you?"

When Chu Yuanzhou heard the voice of the King of Chu, he thought it was a little funny, but he was afraid that the King of Chu would roar so hard that he still regarded Lu Zhu as a treasure in his heart.

"How would I know!" Lu Zhu cried as he cried, "Xu Shizi concubine didn't enter the door. I made things difficult for her, and she has held grudges till now. She is very close to the concubine, and the concubine's sister has always looked at me disliked." ..."

"Shut up!" The King of Chu yelled angrily, "Don't bring everything up with the princess! If she had had such deep scheming, she wouldn't have fallen for you back then, and you made her lie on the bed for so many years. !"

(End of this chapter)

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