Chapter 952 Heart of a Woman
Every time Bai Luo approached Princess Qionghua, she would always be ridiculed by her. From his figure to his appearance, she never had a nice word to say. He was originally a very confident person. As soon as he hit it, he felt that all his self-confidence fell to the ground.

Seeing him like this, Chu Yuanzhou laughed and said, "Is there a woman in this world who doesn't love your money? It's really rare, rare, congratulations, congratulations, you are about to realize your dream."

Bai Luo said with a bitter face: "I have a lot of money, but people think I don't have an official position."

"The matter of being an official is simple. I'll find you a spare job some other day, and you can just coax them." Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile.

However, Bai Luo sighed and asked, "I saw that you are very good at dealing with girls before, how can you teach me?"

Chu Yuanzhou was a little curious: "You used to be very good at girls, why? Are those tricks not working?"

"I sent flowers to her, but she ordered someone to pick them all, and then sprinkled them from the roof, where she danced there by herself, and scolded me after dancing, saying that the things I sent were too unsuitable, Dirty her place, so I had to sweep the floor for her. I gave her a treasure, but she accepted it unceremoniously, and then said that this sapphire is not as bright as the one that so-and-so gave her, and this pigeon egg is not as bright as the one that so-and-so Who gave her the bright one. I invited her to dinner, and she was not polite, and came out with dozens of people in the whole yard, and there were a lot of maids and servants. I invited her to swim in the lake, but she was fine. All the princes in the capital are invited to come, saying that it is a good thing to share with everyone." Bai Luo sighed as he spoke.

After hearing this, Chu Yuanzhou frowned and said, "Where did you know such a living treasure?"

Bai Luo didn't speak, Chu Yuanzhou looked at Bai Luo again and said, "Hearing what you said, why do I feel that the woman's actions are so like my precious aunt?"

Bai Luo glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said nothing, but Chu Yuanzhou was startled and said, "No, it's really my aunt?"

Bai Luo still glanced at him and didn't speak. He coughed lightly, then patted Bai Luo's shoulder and said, "My good boy, you really have it. All the women in the capital don't want to hit you, but you actually hit her up, you Isn't this asking for trouble?"

Bai Luo's eyebrows and eyes were all crowded together and said: "I also feel that I am asking for trouble, but I don't know why, there are so many women in Beijing, but I am only attracted to her."

Chu Yuanzhou admired Bai Luo's courage extremely, and he didn't dare to provoke her too much with Princess Qionghua's temperament, but Bai Luo actually fell in love with her, which was really a toss.

He blinked and said: "Apart from your courage, I think you have a good vision. When I think about it carefully, I think you two are a good match."

Bai Luo nodded and said, "I think so too, but the princess doesn't think so."

He naturally agrees with Chu Yuanzhou's point of view, but Princess Qionghua's thoughts really make him at a loss. Now he knows what is called "a woman's heart, a needle in the sea".

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "My aunt is very good except for her unpredictable behavior. She is even more dedicated to her feelings. Since the incident with my uncle, there is probably no one in this world who into her heart."

(End of this chapter)

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