Chapter 954 The cause of death has changed
Bai Luo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he smiled at Chu Yuanzhou. At this moment, he still had a dejected look, and his fighting spirit was high.

Chu Yuanzhou's head tilted slightly, and he began to think in his heart whether Bai Luo and Princess Qionghua were compatible, Bai Luo had always spent his time in the past, and his methods in the business field were definitely first-class, an ordinary woman She can be coaxed around by him, but in fact, there is a little emptiness in her heart.

And his little aunt has been singing every night since the incident with her little uncle. Over the years, she has known all the handsome girls in the capital. The reason why she did these things was because of the fear and fear in her heart. .

When he thought about it this way, he felt that the two of them were quite a match. Now that Bai Luo had such a distraction, it was a good thing. As for whether the ice in Princess Qionghua's heart can be melted, it depends on Bai Luo's ability.

As a nephew, he will of course help when the time is right.

After Chu Yuanzhou left, Bai Luo began to prepare to deal with the Lu family's affairs. He had been waiting for a long time for this day. Lu Zhu caused such a terrible harm to Princess Chu, and he must avenge this revenge on Princess Chu's behalf.

The news of Su Changqing's death soon became known to everyone in the capital. The emperor was very angry when he heard the news of his death. He felt that such a thing happened at the feet of the emperor, which really challenged his dignity.

So the emperor ordered to strictly investigate every corner of the capital and strengthen the patrols of Jingjiwei.

For a while, soldiers on duty could be seen everywhere in the capital, because of this incident, the festive atmosphere of the upcoming Chinese New Year was diluted a lot.

Su Changqing's body was dragged to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for an autopsy. After careful inspection, a strange thing was discovered. There was no fatal wound on Su Changqing's body. There were several needle holes on his neck. The acupuncture points pierced by the needle holes were all It is not fatal, but it can seal the acupuncture points, and those needle holes are not fatal.

What really killed Su Changqing was the poison, and those poisons were so strange that he had never seen or heard of them. He found a lot of powder on Su Changqing's body. After careful inspection, he became more confused. At that time, he met Chu Yuanzhou.

Xu Zuo had met Chu Yuanzhou before, so he knew him, so he immediately bowed and saluted.

Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "General Su is my wife's uncle, and he died because of a female family member of Chu Palace, so let me take a look. How about it? Did you find anything?"

His tone was very light, but he had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and he was thinking about how to solve this matter.

Wu Zuo gave a rough account of his discovery and expressed his doubts. Chu Yuanzhou glanced at Wu Zuo and said, "General Su died saving his wife. Everyone knows about this. You are very serious about what you do. I'm very happy, but it's almost Chinese New Year now, if you investigate this obvious case carefully, I'm afraid you won't have to pass the Chinese New Year."

He spoke indifferently, but was stunned for a moment, and he said unhurriedly: "There are many things in this world. What you see on the surface is like this, but in essence, it's like that. The death of General Su made the emperor furious. Listening to what you said, I think everything is reasonable. My wife told me yesterday after returning home that those thieves are not only powerful, but also good at using poison. There are many experts among them, otherwise those people would not He is the opponent of General Su."

(End of this chapter)

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