Chapter 961 Revenge For Him
Mo Chou's eyes were dark, but she said calmly, "I'm just looking at some things from the eyes of someone who has experienced it. It's fine for the eldest lady to listen. If you don't like to hear it, just pretend that I never said it."

She has never had much desire, but she also doesn't like others to compare her daughter with her son-in-law to set off the happiness of others.Her daughter and son-in-law also need to be protected, and after a series of events over the past few days, she knows better than anyone else that in the backyard, as long as there are women, there will be fights, and in the fight, people will be forced to retreat At a dead end.

Although she didn't know whether Su Changqing's death had anything to do with Yun Qian, she knew very well that once Su Changqing died, Su Qiaohui's status in Yunfu would soon change.

Yun Yan didn't expect Mo Chou, who has always been a persimmon, to say such words. After Mo Chou said these words, she gave a little gift and walked out slowly. She was beautiful in the first place, such a step, Although it is not a lotus every step of the way, it is also a style.

She was suddenly very angry but there was nothing she could do. Now that Yun Jingyan trusted Mo Chou, Mo Chou was in charge of the Yun Mansion, and she was a married daughter, so she could no longer interfere with the affairs of the Yun Mansion.

In the evening, Su Qiaohui woke up, and she cried when she saw Yun Yan, Yun Yan hurriedly comforted her, "Please let me mourn on Mother's Day, otherwise my uncle's spirit in heaven will be very worried."

Su Qiaohui wiped away her tears and said, "Yan'er, you must avenge your uncle, who was killed by Yunqian!"

Yun Yan froze for a moment, Su Qiaohui sobbed softly and recounted the matter of Su Changqing's visit to her that day, and said, "Your uncle wished Yun Qian could die, so why would he go to save Yun Qian? He was clearly killed by Yun Qian. dead!"

Yun Yan originally thought this matter was very strange, but at this moment she heard Su Qiaohui's words and immediately understood everything, she gritted her teeth and said: "Yun Qian is so vicious, she killed uncle like this, if I don't hate you, I swear not to be human!"

Su Qiaohui's eyes were full of tears, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Yun Qian is really vicious. Logically speaking, it is impossible for her to kill your uncle. There must be other secrets in this. When you deal with Yun Qian in the future, You have to be careful!"

Yun Yan bit her lips lightly and said, "Mother, don't worry, I will definitely make Yun Qian die in the future!"

Su Qiaohui nodded her head lightly, and the mother and daughter said a lot of thoughtful words.

Standing outside the house was a slender figure with one hand behind his back, his eyes full of frost.

Chu Mo knew that the relationship between Yunqian and Yunyan sisters was not very good, but he did not expect it to be this far.

When he received the news of Su Changqing's death earlier, he felt that Su Changqing's death was a bit strange. He once went to the morgue of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to see Su Changqing, but was stopped by someone. The reason was that places like the morgue were not suitable for Chu Mo to go to. .

Chu Mo felt even more curious when he was stopped. He looked for an opportunity to go in in the middle of the night, but he couldn't see any clues.

He suddenly remembered a lot of things about Yunqian, his eyes were dark, but he intuitively felt that this incident must have something to do with Yunqian, and there must be something hidden in it.

Chu Mo was also very curious about Yun Qian. When he first met Yun Qian, he felt that she was a little stupid. Is unpopular.

(End of this chapter)

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