Chapter 963 Don't dare to climb high
Now Chu Yuanzhou can only pin his hopes on the champion of the new department, and hope that the boy is a real talent and a real learner.

It’s just that when Chu Yuanzhou saw the champion of the new department, he started to have a headache. Not to mention his knowledge and character, he couldn’t even look down on that kid just because of his dark and ugly appearance. He couldn’t help sighing in his heart The story in the book that all talented men are handsome is indeed a lie.

And these things had to be carried out, and he was secretly melancholy, thinking that this was the most difficult job he had ever done in his life.

Sure enough, everything was as he expected, Nangong Wushuang immediately pulled down her face when she saw those people, she looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Master Shangshu, does he hold grudges against me because of what I said in the hall last time?"

Chu Yuanzhou said openly and honestly: "The princess is serious. Although I, Chu Yuanzhou, are not reliable in doing things, I am definitely not a stingy person."

He couldn't help thinking in his heart, how could he explain to her clearly why the ministers in the court were unwilling to marry her.If it wasn't for the sake of her saving Yunqian's life, he might have to directly tell the ministers and princes in Nangong Wushuang that no one would marry her.And he knows best how much it will hurt a girl's heart if such a sentence is said.

Nangong Wushuang said indifferently: "Then why do you find these people for me?"

Chu Yuanzhou coughed lightly and said, "Actually, they are also good. The princess can test them and choose the one that suits you best."

Nangong Wushuang's eyes were full of disdain and said: "Okay, then I will compete with them. The first literary test will follow your Dazhou rules. The first literary test will test couplets and poems. In the two martial arts tests, whoever can beat me will win, and whoever can win both of them will be the one I marry, what does the Elder Master think?"

Chu Yuanzhou felt that what she asked was not too much, but he knew the virtues of those people all too well, and now he could only hope that someone in the middle would have some shit luck and win against Nangong Wushuang.

It's just that the facts proved that Chu Yuanzhou's wishes were good, but the facts were cruel. In the first literary battle, except for the new top scholar who won Nangong Wushuang, the other dudes all stopped.

During the second fight, Nangong Wushuang raised his slender arm and knocked Xinke Zhuangyuanlang to the ground with a casual punch.

When Chu Yuanzhou stroked his forehead, Nangong Wushuang blew on her fist. She felt that she was actually quite gentle. She didn't use all her strength for this punch, and this new champion was really like the scene she had seen before. As Ben Li said, she was absolutely fragile.

Nangong Wushuang looked back at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Could it be that all the men in Dazhou are so incompetent?"

Chu Yuanzhou looked up at the sky, he wanted to say that it wasn't that all the men in Dazhou were incompetent, but that those who were capable were unwilling to marry you.

Nangong Wushuang sighed and said: "Although I don't like the character of the son, but at this time I have to admit that the son is still better than these people. No wonder my father told me to let me go when I left Kaiyin. If I marry the prince, I will not hesitate to be a concubine."

Chu Yuanzhou rubbed his nose and said, "Princess Lao fell in love with the wrong one. My family has a lovely wife who is full of everything, but I dare not talk to the princess."

He felt that the emperor was definitely cheating him by entrusting him with Nangong Wushuang's marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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