Chapter 968
Chu Yuanzhou knew that Chu Yi liked to study pairs when he was young. This couplet is difficult for others, but it is extremely easy for Chu Yi.If he remembered correctly, Chu Yi had matched this pair several years ago.

He glanced at Chu Yi, but saw that Chu Yi's eyebrows were flat, and a faint smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, Chu Yi just thought about it for a while, and then said: "Yinyuejing, Yinyueying, Yinyueying in Yinyuejing, Moonwell Ten Thousand Years, Moon Shadow Ten Thousand Years!"

Nangong Wushuang was stunned for a moment, and cursed: "What is absolute through the ages is simply a lie."

Chu Yi ignored her, and said lightly: "I have come out with the princess's couplet, now it's my turn."

Nangong Wushuang bit her lips lightly, feeling a little happy in her heart. Although she didn't want to marry a talented person, she didn't want to marry Nong Bao either. She didn't hate a man like Chu Yi.

She looked at Chu Yi and said, "Second Prince, please!"

Chu Yi turned his head to look at the emperor and said, "Father, since I want to make ten couplets, I am afraid that the princess will not remember them, so I want to write down these ten couplets, and then invite the princess to correct them."

The emperor knew that Chu Yi had some talents. Seeing him showing off his talents and learning at this time, he was very happy, and said immediately: "Come here, prepare the four treasures of the study."

Eunuch Zhu responded, and soon someone brought up the Four Treasures of the Study and moved the table.

The ink was polished quickly, and Chu Yi wrote it with a stroke of his pen:

"When there are insects in the water, it will be turbid; if there are fish in the water, fish will be fished; the water will be watery, and the rivers and lakes will be small."

"Chicken and Dog Crossing the Shuang Bridge, Plum Blossom and Bamboo All the Way"

"On the Independence Bridge, the shadows of people do not flow to the river"

"Water, land, continents, boats stop, boats, boats, and continents can't go to the sky"

"Wind Bamboo Green Bamboo, Wind Turns Green Bamboo, Bamboo Turns Wind"

"Ups and downs, warm and cold, looking everywhere"

"The moon in the sky is full, the moon is half in the world, the moon is full, and the moon is half"

"Smile as soon as you open your mouth, laugh at the past and laugh at everything today"

"Listen to the rain, stay in the rain, listen to the sound of the rain in the building, listen to the sound of the rain, sound, listen, listen, listen"

"Twilight at dusk and dusk at dusk"

As soon as these couplets were written, all the court officials were dumbfounded, and Wu Limin, a senior scholar, praised: "The second prince has a good literary talent, these couplets are really wonderful!"

He tried it, and found that he couldn't get a few right. These couplets looked simple, but every upper couplet had a hidden edge, which was extremely difficult to get right. Even a well-educated Confucian like him couldn't get a few right Come.

Although Nangong Wushuang knows a lot about the culture of Dazhou, she is not from Dazhou after all. She can match simple couplets or something, but she is dumbfounded when encountering such extremely difficult couplets as Chu Yi .

Seeing Nangong Wushuang's blushing face, Chu Yuanzhou felt a little funny in his heart. She really didn't have eyesight, and even compared with Chu Yi, isn't she courting death?It's just that he didn't want to take this trip. At this time, Nangong Wushuang gave Chu Yi such a chance to show his talents. He didn't feel sorry for her, but wanted to thank her.

In the past few months, he and Chu Yi have thought of a lot of ways to let the emperor remember the existence of Chu Yi, but the effect is minimal, and those things cannot be made too obvious, otherwise, the emperor's heart may be broken. suspect.

He always felt that Chu Yi needed a chance to become famous, but he did not expect that this chance was actually given by Nangong Wushuang.

PS: The pairs are collected from the Internet. My level is limited, and I can fill in the poems by myself. I really can’t think of a perfect pair. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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