Chapter 974 The Protector
Chu Yuanzhou was slightly stunned when he heard Chu Yi's words, but Chu Yi smiled again: "The road has come so far, even though there are thorns and thorns ahead, there is some hope after all, and I am afraid that there is only a dead end to go back."

Chu Yuanzhou tilted his head slightly and looked at Chu Yi and said, "Ayi, I think you think too much."

On the day of Su Changqing's funeral, according to the rules, Yunqian was going to Su's residence. Apart from the fact that Yunqian was the niece of Su's residence, Chu Yuanzhou and Su Changqing were officials in the same dynasty, so she also needed to go.

Yunqian recalled the events of that day, and after pondering for a while, she asked Huanyu to prepare some things, intending to go to the Su residence, but when she was about to go out, the Yun residence sent someone to bring it to her. After receiving the message, it was Su Qiaohui who heard the news of Su Changqing's death, and now she became more and more ill. Yunyan was very angry about this matter.

Yun Qian knew that the person who came was sent by Mo Chou, and Mo Chou was warning her, telling her that Yun Yan would definitely make things difficult for her today.

Yunqian asked Huanyu to reward the person who came to report the letter. She pondered for a while, and felt that Yunyan would not be too embarrassing for her in front of people today, because Chu Mo might not be willing to tear herself apart with the Chu Palace. Yunyan let her Embarrassment is to embarrass the entire Chu Palace, but there will definitely be a run in the words.

She has never cared about those verbal abuses, besides, she has never been afraid of anyone with her words.

Even so, because of what happened last time, she felt that she could no longer be careless, so she made careful preparations again.

She went with Chu Yuanzhou today, but Chu Yuanzhou hadn't come back, so she could only wait in the palace, but she didn't wait for Chu Yuanzhou to come back, but she waited for the king of Chu.

Yunqian knew that the King of Chu didn't like her all the time, and he was her father-in-law, so she had to abide by the etiquette of the younger generation.

The King of Chu looked at her coldly and made a gift, and then said coldly: "The king of Japan didn't agree with you marrying into the palace because he was afraid that you would cause trouble. After you married into the Palace of Chu, you really did not disappoint me. Sure enough, a lot of things happened.”

Yun Qian raised her eyes and asked, "Is the father talking about the fact that I saved the concubine mother or the fact that I went out to see the ice sculpture with the concubine Luside this time?"

The King of Chu's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he said coldly: "The tricks played by your wives may be able to hide from other people in Beijing, but they will definitely not be able to hide from this king. Su Changqing is not a bandit at all. Kill, you killed it!"

"Father really thinks highly of me." Yun Qian said with a faint smile.

The King of Chu sneered and said, "Don't play haha ​​in front of me. That night at Baolai Temple, you were not ambiguous in your assassination. This time Su Changqing wants your life, how can you be merciful?"

Yun Qian was still about to speak, but the King of Chu said again: "That bastard Chu Yuanzhou saw this after thinking about it, and even intervened in this matter, tampering with Su Changqing's autopsy documents, if this matter was not for the king , I’m afraid it has been exposed.”

It turned out that after Chu Yuanzhou threatened Su Changqing's disobedient body for an autopsy that day, the disobedient officer kept the matter a secret, but when the Ministry of Criminal Justice wanted to send the corpse back to Su's residence, the minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice took a look at it. After Su Changqing's body was shocked, because this matter involved too much, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment was also a student of the King of Chu, so he told the King of Chu about it.

(End of this chapter)

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