Chapter 991
Soon it will be the 24th of the twelfth lunar month. This day is the Xiaonian in the Great Zhou Dynasty, which means that the wanderers in the distance should also go home to reunite with their parents on this day, and get together to eat the New Year's Eve dinner.

According to the rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty, a married woman will return to her mother on this day, spend the New Year with her parents, and then return to her husband's house early the next morning.

Yunqian asked Huanyu to prepare things early in the morning, and then took Chu Yuanzhou to Yunfu. When the two arrived at Yunfu, Ye Wuchen and Yunzheng had already arrived at Yunfu. The four of them met each other. There is a lot of thought, but until now, there is another consideration, so no one speaks.

Yunzheng glanced at Yunqian, nodded and smiled slightly as a greeting, Ye Wuchen looked at Yunqian standing beside Chu Yuanzhou, the two of them intertwined their fingers, their love was abnormal, after all, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart , even though he is as gentle as jade, there is a bit of coldness all over his body at this time, and he wants to hate, but he can't hate after all.

Ye Wuchen slightly turned his head and glanced at Yunzheng. What he saw at this time was Yunzheng's face without birth control. That face was delicate and elegant. There was a slight smile in Yunqian's eyes, as if the spring breeze melted into ice, and the warmth slowly rose, such a Yunzheng seemed a little strange to him.

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart again, that feeling made him feel very irritable, and there was even more chill on his face.

Chu Yuanzhou tilted his head slightly, looking at Ye Wuchen's face full of ridicule, he even felt that there would be some drama between Ye Wuchen and Yunzheng, but there might be moments when Ye Wuchen regretted it.He hated Ye Wuchen, so he would never mention Ye Wuchen, and felt that whether Ye Wuchen could get his own happiness depended entirely on his luck.

Yunqian looked at Ye Wuchen and Yunzheng standing there, and sighed secretly in her heart. Ye Wuchen and Yunzheng stood far apart, and there was no trace of intimacy. I am afraid that they have been getting along so far. Very unpleasant.

Seeing the scene, Yun Jingyan smiled and smoothed things over, then took Chu Yuanzhou and Ye Wuchen to the flower hall to sit down, and Yunqian took Yunzheng to the inner courtyard to kowtow to the old lady.

The old lady was very happy when she saw the two of them, so she asked Mama Sun to bring melons and fruits for four seasons, and then led the two to chat. Although Yun Qian didn't like the old lady's way of doing things, she looked at it from the old lady's point of view. Looking at the past, the old lady was not wrong. It was thanks to the old lady that Yun Qian could get to where she is today.

Therefore, when Yunqian came today, he also prepared a generous gift for the old lady, and then made a cup of tea for the old lady with her own hands. The old lady felt emotional, and said to Yunqian: "Fifth girl, you are really a kind-hearted girl. woman."

Yunqian knew that what the old lady said was definitely not simply a compliment, so she just smiled faintly, and Yunzheng just sat there quietly without interrupting.
When Yunqian and Yunzheng came out from the old lady, Yunzheng asked, "Do you want to go and see your mother?"

"I don't want to see her, and she doesn't want to see me, so why bother to see her?" Yun said with a smile.

Yunzheng also smiled and said, "I'm afraid I have to do something on the surface."

Yunqian slightly raised her eyebrows, at this moment, Yunluo came over, she gave Yunqian a slight salute, then looked at Yunzheng and said, "Second Sister, what about what I told you before?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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