Chapter 994 The Poor Man

When Yunqian saw Su Qiaohui's appearance, she was calm and calm. She knew that Su Qiaohui must hate her to the bone, and she didn't need to explain all of this.

She thought of Su Qiaohui's aloof appearance when she first traveled through time, and when she saw Su Qiaohui lying on the ground, she was a different person now.

She doesn't have much hatred for Su Qiaohui now, but she knows that Su Qiaohui must want to take her skin off, and according to Su Qiaohui's temperament, she will definitely blame her for the demise of the Su Mansion.

But now she looks at Su Qiaohui who is crawling on the bed, and feels that she is really pitiful. Su Qiaohui, who has lost the backstage of the Su Mansion, is nothing to put it bluntly. Will have any status again.

Yun Yan looked at Yunqian, then at Su Qiaohui, her hands under her sleeves had already clenched into fists, and the tragic situation when she saw the people from the Su family being sent to the border a few days ago appeared before her eyes again.

Her hands trembled slightly, she could faintly hear voices coming from outside, her heart calmed down again, she suddenly felt that this was an opportunity, her eyes moved slightly, and immediately knelt down in front of Yun Qian with a "plop" Said: "Fifth sister, I know that my mother did feel sorry for you in the past, but now the Su family has been destroyed, I beg you to save my mother!"

Yun Qian stretched out her hand to help Yun Yan up and said, "Princess Ming, please get up quickly. We are close relatives and sisters, and my mother is also my mother. I also want to see my mother well. It's just that my medical skills are really limited. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

How could Yun Yan believe Yun Qian's words, she looked at Yun Qian and said, "Fifth Sister can cure Princess Chu who has been bedridden for many years, so naturally there is a way to cure Mother!"

It was the first day of snow today, and the sun was very good. A little bit of sunlight came in through the window lattice, but it also printed the shadows of the people outside the house on the window lattice.

When Yun Yan saw the figure on the window lattice, Yun Qian could naturally see it too. She glanced at Su Qiaohui, who was dying of illness, and then at Yun Yan, her heart became cold again.

Everyone in Jingzhong knew that she cured Princess Chu's disease, but the people in Jingzhong were quite disappointed with her medical skills in treating other people's diseases in the future.

Just wearing such a hat, Yunqian felt that if she didn't treat Su Qiaohui today, it would be unjustifiable. If she killed Su Qiaohui, then she would wear a matricide hat on her head. If it can't be cured, Su Qiaohui can't live long according to her current condition.And if she really let Su Qiaohui heal her, it would be too cheap for the mother and daughter.

Yunqian thought a lot at this moment, but remembered Lu Zhu's actions. Maybe she could learn from Lu Zhu in Su Qiaohui's affairs.

"Princess Ming thinks highly of me." Yun Qian's eyes turned slightly, "I'll try my best!"

After Yunqian said this, she asked Huanyu to fetch the silver needle, and walked to Su Qiaohui's bedside. Su Qiaohui looked at Yunqian's slightly cold eyes, which were full of resentment. Eyes lighted, a faint smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

When Su Qiaohui saw the smile at the corner of her mouth, her eyes turned crimson. She reached out to grab Yun Qian's hand, and she almost tried her best, but she still didn't have much strength to grab Yun Qian's body.

(End of this chapter)

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