Chapter 997

What Ye Wuchen said was a disguised acknowledgment of what Chu Yuanzhou said just now, but Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Wow, Ye Wuchen, you are too good, do you really sleep in the study every day? Abstinence? It's really not easy for a man to be like you!"

In fact, how could Ye Xiang's temperament really go to Chu Yuanzhou to say these things, these news were naturally obtained by Chu Yuanzhou's eyeliner in Yefu, and he said it today with a bit of ridicule.

Ye Wuchen is a scholar, and his temperament is far less flamboyant than Chu Yuanzhou's on weekdays. Hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words at this time, his face turned red. He is a smart person, so he naturally recognized Chu Yuanzhou's Yuan Zhou's teasing.It's just that in this kind of matter, thick-skinned people have always had the upper hand.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I don't need to worry about my affairs."

Chu Mo knew the grievances between the two of them, and he didn't get mixed up when he heard what the two said. He just drank tea unhurriedly, but he heard Chu Yuanzhou say: "I heard that The second sister is pure and pure, and she is not the kind of woman who flirts with water, so you treat her like this, isn't it too much?"

Chu Mo's face changed slightly when he heard the words "watery flowers", but he took a sip of his tea.

Ye Wuchen had already glared at Chu Yuanzhou, and then walked away.

Seeing Ye Wuchen leave, Chu Yuanzhou twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and Chu Mo said unhurriedly: "Wuchen is a scholar, why should the son tease him like this?"

Chu Yuanzhou said with an innocent face: "I was just joking with him, and he is too stingy, and he can't afford to take any jokes."

Chu Mo's eyes deepened, but he said unhurriedly: "I heard that the prince and the second prince are getting closer recently?"

Chu Yuanzhou moved closer to Chu Mo and said, "I'm getting closer to King Ming now."

Chu Mo smiled when he heard the words, glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "The relationship between Yan'er and Concubine Shizi is not very good, but they are sisters after all. Shizi and I were originally cousins, but now we have this kind of relationship again." It doesn't matter, if you have something to do in the future, just come to me, and I will do my best to help you if I can."

Chu Yuanzhou could tell that his words were a bit coquettish, and he said with a smile: "The relationship between me and King Ming is naturally incomparable to other people. Hearing what King Ming said today, I feel really sad. It’s touching, if King Ming has anything to do in the future, feel free to come to me.”

There was a smile in Chu Mo's eyes, but Chu Yuanzhou said again: "Except for things in the court."

The smile in Chu Mo's eyes stagnated, and then he laughed again: "Young Master is indeed a cheerful person."

The two smiled at each other, but neither of them reached their eyes.

Chu Mo's heart is a little irritable. He has spent a lot of time trying to win over Chu Yuanzhou recently, but Chu Yuanzhou has always been like that. He feels that this matter cannot be dragged on like this, but he is not in a hurry .

When it was time for lunch at noon, Yunfu held a family banquet in the flower hall on the left, calling all the young masters and young ladies over.

Early this morning, Yun Chu went out. In the morning, the steward brought Yun Chu back from the outside. Yun Chu had suffered in Chu Yuanzhou's hands last time, so naturally he didn't dare to provoke Chu Yuanzhou again.As soon as he came back, Yun Jingyan called him over and gave him a lecture, telling him not to make trouble today.

(End of this chapter)

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