Chapter 704 Has learned how to please him

(The previous chapter didn't block it)
"Not to use."

Rong Zheng's face was bright and dark in the light and shadow of the lantern, revealing an unprecedented seriousness, "If you don't want to assassinate him, I will leave immediately with a dagger. If you want, I, Rong Zheng, swear on behalf of all the aristocratic families in Chang'an City." , will definitely protect you after the matter is completed. Sister Su, you will be the honored guest of all the families."

Su Jiu played with the dagger and did not speak for a long time.

Rong Zheng thought she was unwilling, and said with a smile: "You are a weak woman, it's normal not to dare to kill him. Forget it, I'll find another way."

"Who says I don't want to?" Su Jiu raised his eyes, his black eyes filled with coolness, "I'm very willing..."

The next day.

Su Jiu hugged his knees and sat on the pile of straw when he suddenly heard familiar footsteps from outside the corridor.

For the past month, the sound of footsteps had terrified her involuntarily.

But today, not only was she not afraid, but even her pupils were faintly filled with excitement.

She licked her lips, still buried her head in her arms, and was too calm.

Xiao Tingchen opened the cell door.

He looked down at the girl condescendingly.

The peach blossom eyes were dark and dark, he keenly noticed something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He walked up to the girl and forced her to look up.

What came into view was a pale and frightened little face.

She was as thin as a palm, with jet-black hair hanging down both sides of her cheeks, making her look even more petite and pitiful.

Xiao Tingchen tilted his head, still feeling something was wrong.


Su Jiu trembled all over, and obediently pushed back her skirt.

After being thrown in the dark cell for so long, she has been trained by him to learn how to please him.

But today, she seemed to be extraordinarily obedient, not only took the initiative to push away the tattered skirt, but even tried to kiss his cheek.

She smelled a strange fragrance of epiphyllum on the man.

This kind of epiphyllum fragrance is very special, she has only smelled it from Huayue Ji before.

Just as Rong Zheng said, Xiao Tingchen has already married Hua Yueji.

Even, there may not be less touching her.

She evoked a mocking smile in a blind spot where Xiao Tingchen could not see.

Xiao Tingchen suddenly pinched her cheek, forcing her to look directly at him.

Su Jiu quickly withdrew his ridicule, still trembling and pitiful.

There is only one chance to kill Xiao Tingchen, and she must ensure that nothing goes wrong!
Xiao Tingchen looked at her for a long time, but didn't find any clues.

He let go of his hand, and said lightly: "Kissing can only be done with someone you like. Su Jiu, do you deserve it too?"

Su Jiu lowered his eyelashes, as if injured.

She quietly raised her eyes, Xiao Tingchen's eyes were slightly closed, as if she was deeply involved.

His fingers reached out silently to the straw pile, and he pulled out the unsheathed sharp dagger from it.

She stared at Xiao Tingchen's heart.

As long as it stabs there, this man is finished...

As long as it stabs there, all the humiliation and hatred can be quelled...

Su Jiu narrowed his eyes.

In the next moment, she swung the dagger at Xiao Tingchen's heart without hesitation!

The moment the tip of the knife landed on the man's chest, the big iron-like palms tightly wrapped around Su Jiu's thin wrists!

Xiao Tingchen's eyes were deep, and his thin red lips curled up evilly, "I knew something was wrong with you, and I was on guard."

Su wine noodles are like gold paper.

The man was very strong, but her wrist bones seemed to be crushed, and the pain was excruciating!

The dagger fell to the ground weakly, and was kicked out of the cell by the man.

He pinched Su Jiu's small face and forced her to look directly at him, "Do you know where it betrayed you?"

Su Jiu blushed and stared at him viciously.

"Stomach," Xiao Tingchen's other big palm slowly lingered over her lower abdomen, "You haven't eaten for three days, you must be hungry. You should be begging me like before, eager for some food. I guess someone sent you food and a dagger..."

He smiled lowly, his peach blossom eyes gradually turned scarlet, "Su Jiu, although I hate you, I never thought of killing you, but what about you?"

"How about me?!" Su Jiu laughed suddenly, and tears rolled down from his dry eyes, "I was locked in this dark prison by you, for you to vent your desires, what is the difference between me and dead?! Xiao Tingchen , you might as well kill me with one knife!"

Xiao Tingchen slowly let go of his hand.

The girl's skin was exceptionally delicate, and five bright red fingerprints were already printed on her cheeks.

He looked down at the location of his heart.

Although there was no injury, it was extremely painful here.

The pain made him almost numb...

He suddenly smiled.

Peach Blossom Eyes are like a blood moon in a deep altar, full of monsters and cruelty, "If you don't like to stay here, then don't stay here. If you don't like to be used by me, then let others use it. Come here."

Su Jiu's eyes showed horror.

Two female dark guards quietly appeared outside the prison.

Xiao Tingchen stood up, straightened the brocade robe indifferently, "Send her to Liangzhou to say goodbye."

Three simple words, but like a thunderbolt, it exploded in Su Jiu's heart!
Where is Liangzhouci? It is the most sensual flower building in Chang'an City!
Is there any way out for the woman who was sold there? !
She couldn't believe it, and looked up at Xiao Tingchen.

The man's side face is cold, just like he used to torture others.

She stretched out her small hand and grabbed his robe with difficulty.

The pale and sharp little face showed unprecedented embarrassment and fear. She stared at him sadly, hoping that he would give her a way out.

But the man didn't even look at her, and left the prison without hesitation.

As if taking away the last ray of light, Su Jiu hugged his knees and wept bitterly.

The two female dark guards were expressionless, "Miss Su, let's go?"


Xiao Tingchen stepped out of the dungeon, the light suddenly brightened.

The prince-style carriage has long been waiting outside.

The carriage of six pure black horses is decorated with golden pearls and bright yellow tassels on all sides, which is noble and generous.

He walked towards the carriage, the dark red blood slipped down the corner of his mouth, and he wiped it carelessly.

He boarded the car, and Gu Yu served a cup of tea, seeing the blood stains on his sleeve, he was shocked, "Master?!"

Xiao Tingchen closed his eyes, "Go home."

The carriage started slowly.

Gu Yu was worried, "Master was injured in the prison?!"

Sitting in the corner, Wu Song folded his hands in his sleeves, and said leisurely, "It's just emotional hurt. The anger was so overwhelming that it caused him to vomit blood. Tsk, Your Highness really uses affection deeply."

Xiao Tingchen stared at him coldly.

"Sentimental?" Gu Yu frowned, "Could it be Miss..."

When he mentioned Su Jiu, Xiao Tingchen's whole body became dark instantly.

Even the atmosphere in the carriage became gloomy.

Gu Yu shut up and didn't dare to speak again.

Wu Song took a sip of tea slowly, with a soft voice: "For Your Highness, Miss Su is your weakness after all. For the future emperor, this love is really heavy and cumbersome."

Xiao Tingchen looked indifferent, "From now on, she is no longer the weakness of this hall. This hall has no weakness."

(End of this chapter)

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