Chapter 568 How Cruel
Chapter 568: How Cruel
"This, this is an order from above, let us arrest people to work."

"I can't help it. There are wars everywhere now, and there is really not enough manpower. We can only catch these poor people to make up for it."

"Also, there are some serious criminals sent from above."

The thin man sighed and said, "We're just supervising their work, we won't have food if we can't finish the work."

"It wasn't our idea to catch these kids either."

"It's all someone who went to arrest people and sent them here."

Shen Tingxue interrogated her carefully.

People who probably understand who these people are.

Emperor Ren and Rong Heng are now fighting each other.

However, Emperor Ren now only occupies one-third of Beiqi's land.

The emperor of this third of the country is really difficult to do, lacking supplies and manpower.

But Emperor Ren wanted to use the power of the tribal king and his remaining power to fight Rong Heng.

He needs a large number of people to work for himself.

But the people were definitely not willing to sacrifice their lives, and Emperor Ren didn't have that much money in his hands, so he thought of the way of catching slaves.

They secretly arrested those low-level people who had nothing to rely on, no power and no influence.

Especially those orphans, or those with few family members, they will become a family as soon as they are caught.

In this way, no one will think about seeking justice for these people.

These people who were captured were being forced to do coolies.

There are all kinds of work waiting for them to do, no wages, and very little food.

These people are totally free drudgery.

Squeeze them desperately until the end of their lives.

In this way, for Emperor Ren.

Many things he needs can be done without paying money, which really kills two birds with one stone.

"There are many older sisters here."

The little boy suddenly said: "Those older sisters are very good-looking."

"They were sent to reward these military masters."

Shen Tingxue's expression changed, and she suddenly thought of something.

"Lead the way ahead."

Ninth girl wished she could kick these people to death.

There are no troops stationed here.

It's just hundreds of officers and soldiers managing slaves.

Most of the slaves wear shackles and cannot escape at all.

Coupled with the fact that the officers and soldiers had weapons in their hands, the slaves were cowardly by nature.

In the only two riots, more than a dozen people were killed on the spot.

So even though the number of slaves has reached several thousand, no one resists anymore.

If these thousands of people can really unite.

More than 100 officers and soldiers are not their opponents.

"Sister, shall we go there like this?"

When the little boy saw Shen Tingxue breaking in openly, he was startled.

"Sister, they have swords and whips, and there are more than 100 of them."

And there were only a dozen of them.

"It's okay, did you see this brother next to my sister?"

"Don't talk about more than 100 people, thousands of people are not his opponents."

"By the way, do you really want to go back with your sister? What if you get caught?"

"I have to go back. My sister and I were able to escape. It was Uncle Li and the others who helped us."

"We have to go back and save him. My father said, you have to keep your word."

The little boy sniffed, "Although, even though my father is gone, what he said is correct, and I still want to listen."

"He's a good boy with a backbone."

"Don't worry, I can save these people for you."

Shen Tingxue sneered.

This place is remote and in the mountains, and the road outside is not easy to walk.

Trapping slaves to work in such a place is indeed a good choice.

However, Emperor Ren is also a majestic emperor, this country is his country, and these people are his people.

How on earth did he set his mind to murder his own people?
"Sister, it's just ahead."

From afar, several officers and soldiers were patrolling.

You can already see the slaves inside from here.

The officers and soldiers inside held whips in their hands, and as long as the slaves moved a little slower, they would be beaten.

The scene was truly appalling.


Soon, someone found them.


"I tell you to stand still and hear it, and take another step forward to kill Wushe!"

Seeing Shen Tingxue and the others walking forward without fear, the leader suddenly panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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