Chapter 105 The Biggest Generation Gap
All things generate and restrain each other, within a hundred meters there must be nemesis.That enchantment suppressed him, but it also gave him endless energy.

Even if Bai Yue didn't show up, maybe in a few 800 years, he would be able to forcefully break through the barrier.

Only plants can absorb that energy. After he absorbs enough, he will leak energy occasionally. The energy transformed by him can also be absorbed by orcs, and the orcs will start to guard the energy he leaked.

Orcs have enjoyed this practice for hundreds of years.

And the lion right is the middle pick for picking up cheap ones.

Although the power of the lion is beneficial to him, the energy is all stuff that goes into his stomach, and he vomits when he vomits, but if the vomit is eaten by others, everyone will feel sick.

Therefore, he wanted to kill the lion because he was disgusted.


Bai Yue and Baiguteng left without a sound. Shi Quan searched for them all night, but couldn't find them.

However, they recovered hundreds of companions who should have died.

They were trampled and passed out when they were fleeing, but they were not attacked by plants. They ran out after waking up, and those who didn't come back were directly trampled to death.

The orcs were amazed that the bone vines had not been wiped out.However, Shi Quan insisted that this was a way for the bone vine to lure them into the trap, so he suppressed it.


It was completely dark, and there was a white mist in the air. The weeds on the ground were hardened by the white frost, and they made a creaking sound when stepped on.

Bai Yue shivered from the cold in the bone vine's arms, her lips turned black and blue, so she could only hug the three "small balls" in her arms to keep warm.

The bone vine gave Bai Yue a strange look, and her hair floated to the front like a snake, binding Bai Yue's trembling body.

Why didn't he know that Yueyue would shake at night?
But before, he couldn't show up at night, and he didn't see her at night, maybe that's how human beings are.

Bai Yue glanced at her arm that was entangled in hair, and said tremblingly, "What... are you doing?"

"Keep you from shaking." Bone Vine said solemnly.

Bai Yue: "..."

She thought that the generation gap between her and Lang Ni was already big enough, but in 2000, she didn't expect the generation gap between her and Qiuqiu to be even bigger.

The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death; nor is it that I stand in front of you but you don't know that I love you; it's that I am an animal and you are a plant.

"It's late, let's find a place to rest. You plants should rest at night." Bai Yue said, touching the hungry boss in his arms.

The second child and the third child ate a lot during the day, but the eldest child hadn't eaten all day because of a serious injury, and bled so much that he was still listless after recovering.

The white bone vine said "um", and put down Bai Yue on the spot, and casually leaned against a tree trunk next to him, closing his eyes and resting.

Large plants are dangerous, but the bone vine is here. This tree is so honest that it looks like an ordinary plant from the 21st century.

Bai Yue squatted beside the tree trunk, the cold wind was blocked and she was much warmer.

She put the children on the ground and pulled the seed-studded log out of her sleeve.

"Eat quickly." Bai Yue said, nodding the heads of the second and third children, and said, "Eat less and save more for the boss, you understand?"

They nodded in understanding, and pushed the wood to the boss with their heads together.

The boss was so hungry that he bit the wood with his mouth open.However, after gnawing for a long time, he still couldn't gnaw out a piece of sawdust, which made his stomach growl even louder.

【There are two more chapters】

(End of this chapter)

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