Chapter 115 Why Don't You Be My Father

This time the boss's eyes were filled with anticipation, the second and third children were influenced by the boss, and they didn't have any rejection of the bone vine.

Bai Yue was taken aback, shaking her head and hands together: "No, no, no, how could he be, he's just our friend."

And the ball is a plant, people don't need to get married, they can reproduce by blooming a few flowers. should be like this.

"Oh." The boss lowered his head in disappointment and continued swimming.

Bone Vine's complexion instantly darkened, and quickly turned iron blue.

People often use "blue complexion" to describe a person's angry face. When a person is really "blue complexion", it is not only angry, but also more weird and dangerous.

Even though that face was handsome and flawless, it still made people dare not get close to it.

Bone Vine stared coldly in the direction of the bathroom, crushing the computer bit by bit.

That bear can be "father", why can't he be?Could it be that he is not as good as that bear in Yueyue's heart?

"Boom!" A loud noise exploded in the room, and the whole house trembled slightly.

Bai Yue immediately stood up from the bathtub and said in surprise, "Qiaoqiu?"

Have you been attacked?
Before she had time to dry her body, Bai Yue put on her dirty clothes, fished out the wet wolf cubs and opened the door.

The outside of the bathroom was already a mess, the wall between the living room and the bedroom was knocked down, and the view of the bedroom was unobstructed.

The computer was also smashed to pieces, but the bone vine was nowhere to be found.

Bai Yue was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized that she used her mental power to look around.

Many orcs were coming towards the house, and the nearest was at the door.

Bai Yue's breath hung in her throat, and she only had time to look at the door. The next moment, the door was kicked open.

"what happened?"

The orc at the door looked around as soon as he came in, his eyes swept over Bai Yue, but he turned a blind eye.

Bai Yue was so nervous that she forgot to breathe. The cold sweat mixed with the bath water made it very uncomfortable to stick to her clothes.

Seeing that the orc didn't find him, Bai Yue knew that the bone vine was still in the room.

【Where are you?What's wrong? 】Bai Yue spread this awareness, and I don't know if it was because she didn't succeed this time, and the white bone vine didn't respond for a long time.

Bone Fujimoto is a spiritual body, and when he doesn't want to show up, he can naturally turn into nothingness.

He looked at Bai Yue coldly, and thought to himself: Don't you want to find Xiong Yao?Okay, I'll let you look for it and see if you can find it by yourself.

If you don't want to be my father, then don't even think about being a bear!

Seeing that the orcs couldn't see him, Bai Yue boldly moved towards the door, moved again, then picked up the food bag and ran out quickly.

Bai Yue was unimpeded along the way, running out of the city before stopping.

"Mom." The boss turned into a human form in her mother's arms, hugged her neck and asked, "Where is Fujiteng?"

Bai Yue was also at a loss, guessing: "He may have something to do, so he can't show up."

"Oh." The children believed what their mother said, and the eldest was completely relieved after hearing what their mother said.

Bai Yue walked out cautiously, keeping an eye on the plants around her, and began to regret that she had used too much energy last night.

She knew that Qiuqiu had protected her just now, otherwise she would not be able to leave the city.

Maybe something happened to Qiuqiu, and he is no longer able to maintain his mental body. I don't know how long he can protect her like this, and when he will show up again.

She can't pin all her hopes on Qiuqiu, now she has to cheer up and protect herself and the children alone.

【Updated today】

(End of this chapter)

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