Chapter 124 Nesting
Apart from the unsafe factors, this is actually the best place to live.

It was empty, quiet, and there were no other orcs living in it. Bai Yue could move around freely at home.

"How about right here?" Xiong Yao asked.

Bai Yue nodded in satisfaction, and slid out of the bone vine's embrace, "It's right here, be quiet."

With her partner's affirmation, Xiong Yao was overjoyed, and immediately turned into a beast shape, and started digging on the rocky mountain.

The stone mountain is very strong, but it couldn't withstand the brute force of the orcs, and a spacious cave house was dug out in a short time.

Entering through the gate of the stone house is the living room. There are two rooms on both sides of the living room. Xiong Yao plans to live in one room with Guoguo, take the children with him, and give the other room to Bone Vine.

But when he brought Guoguo in, the Bone Vine also entered their room without hesitation, and was not about to leave.

Xiong Yao glanced at the Bone Vine displeasedly, then asked Bai Yue for credit, "How is it?"

"Wow!" Bai Yue looked around at the new house, and immediately nodded upon hearing that, "Okay, this house is good, but it's a bit dark, can you open a window?"

"Okay, I'll open a small window for you. I'm afraid that others will crawl in if it gets bigger."

As Xiong Yao spoke, he walked to the outer wall and dug down with his paws, but within a few minutes a window the size of Bai Yue's head was found.

Bai Yue walked to the window and blew away the lime on the window in one breath, completely satisfied.

Looking out through the window, there are beasts coming and going, the body is generally stronger than the normal city, wearing dirty shorts, the hair is messy and dirty, if you take something in your hand, it is all food, it looks like This simple style of painting is like a backward small mountain village.

Bai Yue was engrossed in watching her. Suddenly, an orc noticed her gaze and turned his head to look at her suddenly. His gaze fell on Bai Yue like a wild beast.

Bai Yue's heart trembled, and she reflexively hid aside.

I almost forgot, this is a city of exile, and the people living there are all criminals, and she treats them as honest farmers, it's really horrible.

Xiong Yao bent down and looked out the window, hugged Bai Yue into his arms, rubbed her head comfortingly, then grinned at the orcs outside, showing hostility.

The orc turned his head and walked away quickly.

When a group of vicious orcs gather together, this kind of scene will happen countless times every day, either fighting immediately, or turning the page in the next moment.

Bai Yue breathed a sigh of relief, nestled into Xiong Yao's arms, and said, "I've caused you trouble again."

But Xiong Yao liked it so much, he put his big rough palm on his daughter-in-law's abdomen, and pressed gently, "Are you hungry? Let me cook for you?"

"Yes." Bai Yue replied.


The wolf cubs were famished and frightened a few days ago, and they got excited when they heard the food. The three brothers worked together to drag the food bag over.

Bai Yue smiled, knelt down and rubbed their heads, opened the bag and took the ingredients out.

"I'll ask if there are ovens for sale," Xiong Yao said.

Bai Yue looked up at Xiong Yao, and said with a smile, "No need, can you make a pot out of a stone? It's shaped like a plate. Let's cook food in a pot."

"I'll go right away." Although Xiong Yao didn't understand Bai Yue's plan at all, he agreed without hesitation.

Xiong Yao went out and beat him loudly.

Bai Yue took a corn cob, peeled it off one by one, sprinkled it on the ground not far away, poured some water in a bamboo tube, and waited for it to take root and sprout.

【There are two more chapters】

(End of this chapter)

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