Chapter 142 Preparations before the war
The wolves on the bed were all asleep. Bai Yue stared at them for a while, and gradually became sleepy, curled up in a corner and fell asleep.

This sleep lasted until the middle of the moon, when the moonlight shone in through the window, the silver wolf on the bed suddenly opened its eyes.

Seeing the wolf cubs in his arms and the female next to him, he moved out lightly and turned into a human form when he landed.

"Wow——" A low howl of a wolf awakened Ye's murderous spirit.

All the beasts in the city of exile have been resting near the leader, and when they heard the sound, they immediately got up and gathered.

Bai Yue and the wolf cubs were also woken up, only the bone vine was still lazily slumped at the window, basking in the moonlight.

Bai Yue whispered hello to the bone vine, and led the wolf cubs out of the grotto.

The orcs in front of the grotto had already formed, and were divided into different formations by Yanlang according to their abilities.

There is a defensive group: such as the earth-type orcs like Xiong Yao;

There is a melee group: such as the strength type of Yanlang;

Long-distance attack group: such as Fenghu;

There are also auxiliary categories: such as Yanlang's fire ability.

After being classified into different categories, the orcs of the same type look almost the same, either they are all so thin that they can be blown away by the wind, or they are all so strong that they cannot bear to look directly at them.

Yanlang, like Langyan, is an all-around type, with strength, speed, and supernatural powers, all of which are unstoppable. Standing at the head of all beasts, it is perfect.

Bai Yue thought of the wolf nitrate again, and stared blankly at Yanlang.

Yanlang suddenly turned back and picked Bai Yue up.

"Ah!" Bai Yue hurriedly grabbed Yanlang's shoulders to stabilize his figure.

The wolf cubs still follow their mother step by step, chasing at the feet of Yanlang.

Yanlang laughed a few times, and raised his voice: "The orcs staying behind protect the wolf cubs, and I will punish you for missing a wolf hair."

"Yes!" The remaining beast army responded in unison.

Bai Yue asked in her heart: What about me?
As if hearing Bai Yue's inner voice, Yanlang walked forward and said, "Female go to war with me!"

Bai Yue: "..."

Beasts: "..."

Whether it was Bai Yue or the orcs in the city of exile, when they looked at Yanlang, they all seemed to be looking at a foolish king.

So capricious.

Yanlang's approach was very correct, as soon as they left, Xiong Yao came quietly.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Xiong Yao quietly knocked out the orc who was protecting the wolf cubs, and found the wolf cubs.

"Where's mother?" Xiong Yao looked around anxiously, before waiting for the wolf cubs to answer, he asked again: "Has the Bone Vine come?"

"Mom went to war, and Fujiteng is here." The boss replied, getting up and shaking his hair.

Xiong Yao thought it was Yanlang who brought Guoguo with him to defend himself, so he threw his fist on the stone ground in hatred, and cursed in a low voice: "Sly wolf beast!"

She even took Guoguo to fight, she would be accidentally injured!
"Let's go find mother." Xiong Yao opened a cloth bag, put the wolf cubs in it, and left as quietly as when he came.


Here, Yanlang led the orc out of the city.

The city of exile is located in the deepest part of the forest, and there are dense plants everywhere. It can be said to be dangerous during the day, and it will be attacked by plants if you are not careful.

It was already late at night, the most peaceful time for plants.

The world is dead silent, even the bugs seem to be asleep.

Yanlang led the orcs sneaking in the forest, and suddenly raised his hand to signal everyone to stop.

"What's wrong?" Fenghu asked in a low voice.

The flame wolf hibernates behind a tuft of grass, a pair of wolf flames reflecting a strange green light in the dark night: "It's too quiet."

[I saw a comment saying 50 points to go to school, now posting a chapter, I hope you can still read it.

The remaining chapter will be posted in half an hour. 】

(End of this chapter)

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