Chapter 153 Is the Bone Vine Male or Female?

Bone Vine held a bright red apple in his hand, and said nonchalantly, "Why don't I dare to show up?"

"Roar!" Xiong Yao roared and punched him.

Just like yesterday, the moment his fist touched the Bone Vine, he disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Bai Yue.

"Here you are." Bone Vine said coldly.

Bone Vine was sullen in his heart. He saw that she was not full last night, so he resisted not coming down to deliver the food, and finally couldn't help it this morning.

Bai Yue didn't answer and glanced at Xiong Yao.

Xiong Yao realized that he couldn't hit the bone vine, so he stopped wasting his efforts.

He regards Bone Vine as a rival in love, but he will not disregard the safety of his wife and take the apple from Bone Vine's hand unceremoniously.

"Eat it." Xiong Yao handed the apple to Bai Yue, and said softly, "You didn't eat well last night, so be careful not to eat the seeds."

"Yeah." Bai Yue took the apple. She was very hungry, but she didn't have any appetite at all. She just held it in her hand and smelled the aroma.

Xiong Yao looked at the Bone Vine again, and said with deep meaning: "You really love her, so you shouldn't force her. What you did last night is not something a responsible male would do."

For the safety of Guoguo in the future, Xiong Yao felt that he had to instill some correct three views into Bone Vine.

"I'm not a male." The Bone Vine has always been indifferent, but when it has a relationship with Bai Yue, it will always be tainted with popularity, and stabs back.

"Ahem!" Bai Yue choked on his own saliva.

So, the one she saw last night was really transformed by Qiuqiu after Xiong Yao?

ah!Ball, your noble, glamorous and inviolable image is about to collapse!
Xiong Yao was stunned, looked suspiciously at the bone vine's legs, and guessed in his heart: Is the bone vine a female?The person he has always regarded as a rival in love is a female?
I didn't finish the bone vine last night, just because I didn't have the hardware facilities?
This guess made his hair stand on end, and the whole bear was in a trance.

Hearing Guoguo's cough, Xiong Yao came back to his senses and followed her back.

Bone Vine also felt the stagnation of the atmosphere, and felt that what he said just now might not be very good, and added: "I am a plant."

"Are you male or female?" Xiong Yao asked, looking at the Bone Vine.

Plants should reproduce asexually, that is, without sex.

No wonder Baiguteng's appearance is indisputable, and his gender is also indisputable in emotion.

Then is it still necessary for him to list the Bone Vine as a love rival?
Xiong Yao asked in his heart, and the answer was yes, because of Bone Vine's possessiveness towards Guoguo.

"What's none of your business?" Bone Vine said coldly, "Anyway, whatever Yueyue needs, I can satisfy her!"

Back to the original point, Xiong Yao also pulled out of his trance, hugged Bai Yue protectively, and said, "As long as you hurt her, you are my enemy. I can't beat you, but don't forget, there are wolf guns." , I’m always on the same team as him.”

Bone Vine narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said in a disdainful tone: "In this world, I am not afraid of anyone!"

A beast and a plant looked at each other fiercely, and the atmosphere became tense.

Bai Yue pulled Xiong Yao's hand, "Stop talking, let's go on the road, it's important to find Lang Nier quickly."

Xiong Yao nodded, picked up Bai Yue, and gave the Bone Vine a sideways look before leaving: "Then we'll see."

After all, Xiong Yao sped up and ran wildly.

The bone vine wrapped its hair around the wolf cubs, and ran behind Xiong Yao.

What a good plant, during this period of time, it was about to be trained as an orc.

(End of this chapter)

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