Chapter 194
Hu Mitian was inexplicably happy, and then became suspicious: "Then the food is really created by her, right?"

Hu Mitian always thought that the food reform was the idea of ​​the wolf nitrate, and it was crowned on the females to avoid risks.

After all, tossing animal meat into that appearance is too shocking, and it is suspected of disrespecting the dead, which is difficult for ordinary people, such as him.

It's different when the crown is on the head of a female. If he fails, no one will condemn him, but if he succeeds, his reputation will also increase.And females are innocent in whatever they do, whether it is law or reason.

This is one of the things he admires about Lang Ni, and if it were him, he would do the same.

But now it seems that this female is so intelligent, it is possible that she came up with it.

On the other side, Bai Yue put on her new clothes and opened the curtains again.

The three heads immediately moved back to the edge of the curtain. The appearance of the strong men was not much different, and they were all handsome, but the gesture they made was also a little wretched.

Hu Mitian said: "By the way, why did we sneak a look? Guoguo's male is not here."

The eagle beast looked at the vines all over the room, and said, "I always feel that there are eyes everywhere."

"This place is indeed weird." Hu Mitian responded.

Bai Yue poked the vines hanging by the window, "Qiaoqiu?"

The vines at the window didn't respond, but a halo of light gathered in the room, which quickly turned into a handsome Bone Vine.

"Does it look good?" Bai Yue turned around with a smile, opened her arms and twirled around.

The skirt is the simplest straight skirt, simple and generous.

Bai Yue was not used to wearing the animal clothes that covered her whole body, and then returned to normal clothes. She always felt that the skirt was empty and chilly.

Oh man, forgot to do the underwear, no wonder it feels terribly empty.

The white bone vine also came from the 21st century, and has a certain aesthetic for clothing. He folded a vine with flowers and tied it around Bai Yue's waist.

"That's better."

Sure enough, Bai Yue herself felt different.

The waist is tied, the chest is protruding, the buttocks are raised, and the waist looks slender.

"Come on, let's go down and show Xiong Yao." Bai Yue pulled the bone vine and ran outside.

After they left, Hu Mitian opened the curtains, his gaze still fixed on the window.

What a beautiful female, her eyes, face, body... everything is attracting him.He wanted her more and more.

"Wolf Ni protects her very well. We have no chance to contact her at home. We have to find a way to let her go out." Hu Mitian thought about it, and soon he had an idea, and smiled confidently.


In the afternoon of the same day, Safety City collected an urgent message from the capital.

In the next three days, there is a high possibility of a large earthquake on the mainland.

Unfortunately, Safety City is in the danger zone.

The capital has the most advanced technology, and earthquake monitoring has always been very accurate. Once the news came out, the beast name paid great attention.

Lang Ni was also very concerned. He was wary of the capital in his heart, so he guessed that this might be the capital's way of dealing with them, luring them out of the city, and then taking the opportunity to attack.

However, the power of natural disasters is enormous, and it is better to believe that there is something than nothing.

Lang Ni issued an order that night, and the orcs in the city moved out of the housing area and camped outside the city in the area covered by bone vines.

With the bone vine as the first layer of protection, it is impossible for the capital to sneak attack.

In this way, Hu Mitian's first move was successful.

【Updated today】

(End of this chapter)

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