Chapter 203 Ability to Cook Soup
When Xiong Yao came back with the ingredients, the sun rose higher, the sun was hot, and the temperature also rose.

The white bone vine weaves a sparse net above with vines, which can cover most of the sunlight, but there are still fine spots of light, and the wind blows, and the spots of light dance with the swing of the leaves, like naughty little stars. .

Bai Yue couldn't wear the animal costume that covered her whole body, so she changed back to the vest dress she had just made, and stood under the rattan net to watch Xiong Yao knead the dough.

"Should I knead the noodles just like dumpling noodles? Or add so much salt?" Xiong Yao poured the flour into the basin, looked down at the petite female beside her, and asked softly.

Bai Yue nodded first, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, he raised his head and said excitedly, "Bang Xiong, let's make noodles with chicken soup. The noodles must taste better with chicken soup."

The chicken soup has already been stewed by the wolf nitrate, and he heard the words: "This soup will take two hours."

"It's okay! I can wait. Let's eat some wood first, and the noodles will be lunch." Bai Yue said with a smile.

Xiong Yao immediately agreed: "Okay!"

Chicken soup is usually simmered slowly over low heat. In order to shorten the time, Wolf Nitrate used his fire ability to ignite the firewood.

The special high-pressure soup pot was surrounded by golden-blue flames. The pot was once burning red, and there was the sound of liquid tumbling inside, but there was no trace of heat coming out.

Boiling like this for an hour, Lang Nit felt that it should be ok, so he removed the fire, and opened the lid after the temperature in the pot dropped a little.

With a sound of "Boom!", as soon as the lid was released, it bounced up, and the wolf gun almost missed it and let it fly out.

The rich hot air is ejected from the mouth of the pot and rises into the air, forming the shape of a small mushroom cloud, and the aroma spreads around like the aftermath of a bomb.

Bai Yue was stirring dry flour boredly, when a strong aroma hit her, she raised her head and stared at it.

"Okay?" Bai Yue stood up and ran to the pot to watch.

Lang Ni rubbed Bai Yue's head amusedly, "The child can't run as fast as you."

While speaking, the children's cries came over.


Sure enough, Bai Yue didn't come as fast.

Bai Yue blushed, took the spoon and looked into the pot.

The soup in the pot was still full, with a thick layer of golden oil on the surface, still bubbling, like a whole pot of hot oil being boiled.

Stir it with a spoon, and the soup inside is revealed half-covered around the pipa, which turns out to be milky white.

"Oh my God!" Bai Yue exclaimed in shock. He had never seen chicken soup boiled to a milky white color like fish soup. The meat should be boiled, right?
Scoop up the whole chicken that sinks to the bottom with a spoon. The skin of the chicken has really melted, leaving only a layer of impurities wrapped on the surface of the chicken, which will fall apart with a light touch.

The chicken was even softer and flocculent, and the bones were boiled through. During the process of being scooped up, it couldn't stand the resistance of the soup, and the parts that were not supported by the spoon were all broken, and slowly sank into the water again. pot bottom.

When Bai Yue recovered from the shock, there was only a chicken breast left on the spoon.

"My! Oh my god! Ah!" Bai Yue said in surprise every word.

Scooping up the only piece of chicken left in the spoon, he took a breath, a large amount of white gas came out, and amidst the smoke, the chicken piece collapsed again, breaking into several pieces and falling to the ground.


The wolf cubs are scrambling to grab food.

"Hey, be careful!" Bai Yue said hurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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