Chapter 220
This matter just came to an end. For Bai Yue, it was "all right", but for Hu Mitian and the others, it was "difficult to move an inch.

At this time, the war suddenly came.

A snow-white shadow flitted across the street, and jumped onto the villa yard covered in vines with a "swoosh".

"Boss!" Fenghu turned into a human form and hurried into the villa.

A pair of trousers flew towards him, and Fenghu raised his hand to catch it.

"Guoguo is at home, put on your pants first." Lang Ni walked out while talking.

"Oh." Fenghu started to wear it honestly.

"What happened?" Bai Yue ran out after hearing the sound, and asked while lying on the door frame.

Fenghu looked at Bai Yue with a complicated expression, and said, "The capital has sent troops against us." Everyone knew the purpose, and it was nothing more than fighting for the ownership of Guoguo.

Lang Ni was taken aback, and his first reaction was to look in the direction of the next door.

Bai Yue also looked in the direction of the next door, feeling scared in her heart.

"Hutian and others have left?" Lang Ni asked.

Fenghu was stunned: "No, I saw Yingxuan digging the ground when I came back."

Lang Nit said suspiciously: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, even if I misidentify the eagle, I won't misidentify your land. He should be shaving peanuts in the field." Fenghu said, puzzled and asked: "What does this have to do with Hutian and the others?"

Lang Ni's brows tightened, and then loosened, "It's okay, you should closely monitor the enemy's every move first, go."

"Yes!" Fenghu led the order and left.

Bai Yue walked quickly behind Lang Ni, and tugged at his tail hair, "Wolf Ni."

Lang Ni turned around and smiled slightly, carried Bai Yue into his arms and walked to the bedroom, "You stay at home obediently, no one will hurt you."

With that said, Lang Ni put Bai Yue on the bed.

"Are you going out?" Bai Yue asked sensitively.

The wolf said: "I'll go find out what Hu Mitian is saying, he's still in the city."

"Then be careful." Bai Yue said, looking around, "Qiaoqiu, are you there? Ni, let Qiuqiu go with you."

Lang Ni laughed and said, "It's okay, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Lang Ni left the room without waiting for the Bone Vine to respond.

Hu Mitian was practicing making dumplings when suddenly the courtyard door slammed, and he raised his head alertly, and saw Lang Ni holding the iron courtyard door in his hand and throwing it onto the road with a "bang".

Hu Mitian glanced at Lang Ni, lowered his head and continued to pinch his own dumplings, and clapped his hands to stand up after wrapping the dumplings in his hand.

"Oh, it seems that you have discovered your identity." With a perfect smile on his face, Hu Mitian rubbed the face mud on his hands and said, "I said why Guoguo is so afraid of me all of a sudden, that's why. "

Lang Ni cut straight to the point: "You sent the army outside the city?"

"What army?" Hu Mitian was suddenly confused.

Lang Ni just looked at Hu Mitian leisurely and didn't explain.

Hu Mitian rolled his eyes, and suddenly his eyes turned cold: "Snake Ling!"

"Führer!" She Ling immediately climbed out of the window and said in human form.

"I say no troops are allowed, how dare you disobey the order?" Hu Mitian's voice was as cold as ice, and his nails had a metallic color.

She Ling's expression was still cold, but her heart was bewildered: "Subordinates dare not make rash claims."

The wolf nitrate didn't make a sound, just watched the village with cold eyes.

Hu Mitian regards She Ling as his confidant, so he naturally trusts him, but he was confused for a while: "It's not you? Who could it be?"

Soon, She Ling and Hu Mitian looked at each other and said two words in unison.

"Right of the lion!"

[Update two chapters first.There was an earthquake here in the early hours of this morning. I was going to sleep at that time, and I was so frightened that I instantly regained my energy. It was 3.5 magnitude, no big deal.But why are there so many earthquakes recently?I have felt it twice this year. The last time the earthquake was estimated to be too small, did not announce it.If it weren't for the announcement this time, I would have thought I was crazy. 】

(End of this chapter)

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