Chapter 233 Parasitized?
In order to save time, Xiong Yao and Lang Yan worked together to make a corn kernel soup with minced meat.

The soup is very light, but the meat is rich, and the fragrance of corn is even more mouth-watering.

Now that Bai Yue had an appetite, she lowered her head and ate bite after bite. The warm food soothed her restless stomach, giving people comfort from the inside out.

After eating a big bowl of soup, Bai Yue became more energetic, so she deliberately rejected the embrace of the wolf, and insisted on walking to the hospital by herself.

More activities will make Bai Yue more energetic, so Lang Ni didn't insist.

"Baby, be good at home. Mom will be back soon." Bai Yue said to the wolf cub who followed the door with her hands on the door frame.


The three wolf cubs walked up to their mother's legs, rubbed against their mother's legs, and did not run out of the door.

Bai Yue withdrew and closed the door.

"It's really cold today." Wrapped in a thin blanket, Bai Yue looked at the dimly lit street and asked, "What time is it now? Why isn't it dawn yet?"

Lang Ni glanced at the personal terminal, but before answering, Bone Vine said first: "There will be heavy rain later."

"So that's the case, no wonder." Bai Yue was relieved, "I just said why I'm so bored today."

"Hi! What are you doing with Guoguo out so early?" Hu Mitian and the others got up too, and when they saw them going out, they quickly chased after them.

Lang Ni said seriously, "Go to the hospital."

"Guoguo is not feeling well again?" Hu Mitian glanced at Bai Yue, and worry flashed in his eyes: "Then hurry up, Guoguo's complexion is getting paler and paler, you must not delay any longer."

When these words reached Lang Ni's heart, his eyes suddenly became sour, and tears almost welled up.

Rather than worrying, he was more afraid of losing Guoguo. He didn't dare to imagine what it would be like to lose Guoguo suddenly one day.

Feeling the solemnity of the atmosphere, Bai Yue smiled and shook Lang Ni's hand, trying to pull himself together, but there was still a sense of weakness in his voice: "Let's go, I'm much better now."

Lang Ni rubbed Bai Yue's head and said nothing.

When we arrived at the hospital, it was still dark.

The hospital had already made preparations, and immediately pushed Bai Yue in for a full-body examination.

The result came out, same as last time, without any lesion.

Lang Ni took a pile of test applications and checked them quickly and carefully, his face was so gloomy that he could almost drip water.

"No problem, why is she getting weaker and weaker?" Lang Nier asked in a deep voice.

Among the doctors standing beside him as if punished, Bai Yue's current attending doctor, Niu Beast, said tremblingly, "It's true that the equipment checks out, we don't know."

"Is your hospital okay?" Hu Mitian suddenly lost his temper and roared loudly.

Doctors are also bohemian beasts, they surrender to the wolf, but they are not afraid of the tiger, and they stared at him fiercely when they heard this.

Hu Mitian was not afraid, turned a blind eye to their gazes, and said: "If you look at the symptoms alone, Guoguo seems to be parasitized. Some parasites are absorbing her energy."

Lang Ni's expression was serious, "I think so too."

Hu Mitian patted Lang Ni's shoulder, and said sincerely: "Hurry up and make a decision, it's still too late, I can't guarantee that the first one can definitely cure her, but it's definitely better than here."

These words meant disrespecting the hospital, but it was about the safety of females, and the doctors present were not angry.

Lang Ni glanced at the direction of the ward, and said in a deep voice, "You have to ask Bai... what Qiuqiu means."

[Well, there is a bug in the article, and it will be fixed here.Hu Mitian thought that the Bone Vine was called "Qiuqiu", but it was directly written as Bone Vine, which is confusing. I will modify it later. 】

(End of this chapter)

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