Chapter 237
Hu Mitian pretended to be enlightened, and said confidently: "That depends on whether you have that ability."

After finishing speaking, Hu Mitian suppressed his smile, and instantly burst out the aura of a strong and superior person, and with a roar of a tiger, he turned into a strong and majestic tiger.

Fenghu also immediately turned into a beast, and rushed towards Hu Mitian in the first place.


Hu Mitian, who was surrounded by groups, rushed towards Fenghu with all his strength, his paws stepped on the soil were covered with a layer of metallic color, and the paws gleamed coldly. What they left behind on the ground they ran were not indistinguishable paw prints, but Clean cuts.

The wind fox is fast, and while the wet hair increases the burden, it also makes his body smooth and slippery. When running, there is less resistance, and the speed is not affected at all.

The two beasts wrestled with each other, and Hu Mitian bit it, Fenghu predicted it in advance, avoided his attack cleanly, turned around and pounced on Hu Mitian's body.


Fenghu's claws grabbed Hu Mitian's body, and there was no feeling of scratching the flesh as imagined, but a hard feeling like hitting metal, making a piercing sound.

A gleam of golden light flashed across the place where Hu Mitian was caught, and Hu Mitian hooked his lips, but did not fight back, and continued to sprint forward: "Roar!"

Joining up with the army is the top priority. The Bone Vine is not friendly to the orcs outside. If you delay for a second, one more orc may die.

Fenghu stepped on the ground with his front paws, and felt a dull pain in his paws. He ignored the discomfort and immediately chased after him.

Hu Mitian faced the herd of beasts head-on, biting inevitably.

He was like a sharp knife, indestructibly breaking through defenses, leaving bloodstains all the way.

With metal abilities, his whole body is as hard as steel, capable of both defense and offense. The claws covered with metal abilities can easily cut through the fur of orcs and reap their lives.

But he is not a defensive orc after all, for the sake of aggressiveness, he sacrificed a lot in defense.

Facing the encirclement and suppression by hundreds of people, if Hu Mitian's energy transfer is not timely, it will leave scars on his body.

After finally breaking out of the tight encirclement, Hu Mitian also had several shallow wounds on his body.

Before he could catch his breath, the road ahead was blocked again.

Lion Quan won the bet, after all, he was the first to find Hu Mitian.

"Hahahaha..." Lion Quan let out a maniacal laugh, and his excited eyes shone with astonishing light.

He pointed at Hu Mitian with one finger, and his voice was decisive and harsh: "Kill Hu Mitian! If I become the head of state, your criminal records will be wiped out, and you can still become my confidants. Go!"

It has to be said that the lion power does have two brushes in winning people's hearts.

Although many people are carrying several years in prison and fighting in the most dangerous battlefield for this reason, there are very few who want to turn against the tiger.

If I really want to go against him, I've already been under Wolf Nitrate's subordinates.

However, in just ten days, Lion Quan had subdued [-]% of the criminals, and the other [-]% had no way out and could only follow the crowd.

Following Lion Quan's words, the orcs in the criminal army's eyes were filled with killing intent, and they rushed towards Hu Mitian fiercely.

Secret Agent Hu managed to break out of the siege and was blocked again. The situation was much worse than before.

Although he doesn't like Lion Quan's ability, he is a strong man with materialized energy. Under heavy siege, such a strong man of the same level is a fatal blow to him.

Hu Mitian paused, looked back, and ran towards the city decisively.

"Wow?" The orc on Fenghu's side called out to Fenghu inquiringly.

[There are two more chapters, released at 03:30]

(End of this chapter)

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