Chapter 250 Which baby is calling for help?
"Mom, help..."

"Mom, save me..."

Similar voices kept coming to Bai Yue's ears. She was so anxious that she looked around.

Baby?where are you?

But which baby is calling for help?
Boss?not like.

Second child?Not right either.

Is that the third child?

Nothing seems right.

Bai Yue was in a hurry when he suddenly felt a pain in his leg. He looked down and finally found the baby who was calling for help.

Not any of her wolf cubs.

His figure was indistinct, but Bai Yue somehow knew that he was the baby calling her mother.

At this point the baby was gnawing on her calf.

"Baby?" Bai Yue resisted the pain and changed tentatively.

The little baby stopped chewing and looked up at her: "Mom..."

Bai Yue sat on the ground, touched his body, and asked, "Why are you calling for help? Who is going to kill you?"

The baby didn't respond, but lowered his head and continued to nibble on her leg.

Bai Yue guessed that this would save the baby, so she didn't stop him and let him gnaw indulgently.

She vaguely understood that this was a dream, she couldn't remember when she gave birth to this child, and the bite didn't hurt very much, all her feelings were slightly illusory.


The next morning, the sun had risen so high that the whole world was exposed to light.

Bai Yue's room was still dark. There were windows in the room, but the outside was also a building, so there was no sunlight at all.

Maybe that's why, Bai Yue couldn't feel the change of time, and only woke up after sleeping until now.

"You finally woke up." Doctor Leopard was beside him. Seeing Bai Yue open his eyes, he said amusedly, "You can sleep like this every day at home?"

After sleeping, Bai Yue felt more tired than if she hadn't slept. She felt weak even when she rolled her eyes, so she asked softly, "What time is it?"

"It's almost lunch time." Doctor Bao said and turned on the soft light. Seeing Bai Yue's pale and weak face, he was shocked.

Even though it was only one night, Bai Yue's body was visibly thinner, and the flesh on his face became thinner. The originally fair and lustrous skin was now deathly white, and he looked terminally ill.

"What's the matter with you? Are you sick?" Doctor Leopard asked anxiously, and then began to contact the medical staff next door.

Bai Yue only sighed secretly in her heart: Here it comes again.

She wanted to get up, but she could hardly exert any strength from her whole body, as if all her energy had been emptied.

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of the baby who had been gnawing on her legs in her sleep, and slowly covered her lower abdomen with her hands.

Is it because Doctor Leopard suspected she was pregnant yesterday, so she thought about it day by day, and dreamed at night?

Unexpectedly, his lower abdomen was obviously protruding, as if he was four or five months pregnant.

Bai Yue's expression of shock was evident on her face, and she immediately said, "Doctor Leopard, I don't want to be a surrogate."

Hearing Bai Yue's words, Doctor Leopard immediately said: "You are sick, the surrogacy must be suspended, stop talking, and save your strength."

"Yeah." Bai Yue still felt dizzy, and almost fell asleep while lying down.

A large group of doctors rushed in and used various instruments on Bai Yue's body, finally tossing Bai Yue into sobriety.

"What's the matter with him?" Hei Bao, who rushed over, asked anxiously, reaching out to touch Bai Yue's forehead.

Doctor Leopard raised his hand to stop him, and said solemnly: "Maybe it's because they didn't adapt to the new environment. The orcs have some bacteria on them, which has no effect on the orcs, but it will seriously damage their health. You'd better not touch her now."

"Okay, okay." Black Panther nodded repeatedly, and took a few steps back: "What's wrong with her? Is it serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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