Chapter 256

"Hmm..." Bone Vine concluded, looked around, and tactfully changed the subject: "There is no sunlight here, let's go out to bask in the sun."

"Okay." Bai Yue said happily. With Qiuqiu around, she felt that nothing could lock them up.

Baiguteng picked up Bai Yue, who had lost a lot of weight but weighed more, and walked out of the bedroom quickly.

"Did, drop, drop --"

There were no infrared detectors and X-ray detectors installed in the living room, but they were everywhere in the corridor. As soon as Bai Yue came out wearing the bone vine, the corridor immediately sounded a sharp whistle.

Hei Bao said: "Guo Guo is at the door, everyone stop her quickly."

The orcs were all wearing earphones, and when they heard what the panther said, they rushed to the door of Bai Yue's room.

The bone vine could penetrate the wall, but Bai Yue absolutely couldn't. Seeing the unusual behavior of the orc, he felt something was wrong, so he immediately retreated to the room.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yue became nervous: "They seem to have seen us."

"I'll go out and have a look." Bone Teng put down Bai Yue and went through the wall to the corridor.

But the orcs didn't notice it, they circled around like headless chickens.

Bone Vine returned to the room and said, "They seem to only see you."

Bai Yue's face turned pale, and she tightly held the bone vine's hand: "What should I do? It seems that mental interference can't fool them."

The bone vine was silent.

After a while, some orcs came in with special glasses and walked straight towards Bai Yue, obviously seeing her.

Bai Yue hurriedly hid behind the Bone Vine, and the Bone Vine grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand, and pinched it easily, the orc's eyeballs immediately protruded, bleeding from his orifices, and he only let out a rough gasp, without even a scream. He stopped talking.

Bai Yue was frightened by Bai Guteng's quick killing methods, so she took a step back and looked at him with a re-examination.

Another orc rushed up with a vigilant expression, but before he got within three meters of Bai Yue, he was easily dealt with by the Bone Vine.

His figure appeared, and he said in a flat tone: "Then I will kill you all, and then leave with Yueyue."

Seeing the main body, the beast soldiers were not so afraid, and said in unison: "Kill!"

The spiritual body of the bone vine has limited strength, but it is fearless. There is almost no way to hurt him, and it eliminates the beast army one by one.

It was the first time for Bai Yue to see so many dead people. She huddled in a corner and did not dare to move. When the bone vine came towards her, she said tremblingly, "Can you not kill people?"

Although she hated these people very much, they only obeyed orders and did not deserve to die. If they wanted to kill them, they should kill the people who gave the orders.

The Bone Vine is usually very obedient to Bai Yue, but it's another matter if it threatens her.

Bai Guteng pursed her lips, did not agree, and picked her up to go out again.

"Guoguo!" Doctor Bao also wore glasses, looking directly at Bai Yue.

Bone Vine thought that he was also here to stop him, and immediately walked towards him.

Doctor Leopard's hair stood on end immediately, and he took a few steps back vigilantly.

"No!" Bai Yue grabbed Bone Vine's hand.

At this time, a young and dignified voice came from the loudspeaker above the corridor.

"Even if you kill everyone in the base, as long as we don't open the door, you will never be able to take Guoguo away. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. Don't stop him, let him go."

Bai Guteng gave up on Doctor Leopard Killer and walked towards the exit.

The door was tightly closed when he entered, and the bone vine hit it hard with his palm, unable to shake the metal door at all.

"Qiaoqiu..." Bai Yue panicked again, feeling that she might not be able to get out today.

(End of this chapter)

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