Chapter 260 Water Forged Orc

The white bone vine was brought into the digestive part of the roots and was about to launch an attack, but the scene in front of him stunned him.

It turned out that he was not the only one who was caught in the roots, but also many orcs.

They are bound to the root system and are being slowly digested.

Some skin surfaces have just dissolved, revealing red and pale texture lines;
Some have already digested the brain and internal organs, and you can see the rhythm of the brain and the beating of the heart.

Some have been digested until there is only an empty shell left, with a trace of carrion remaining, the last energy has been carefully cleaned up by the snow-white roots.

Eventually, they'll fall to the bottom of the pool, mingling in a field of bones.

To die is liberation, to live is pain.

As long as vital organs are not damaged, they are alive.Rolling his eyes numbly, life would be worse than death.

The white bone vine also kills, but he kills it and drags it directly into the soil to absorb it.

And this plant directly dissolves the prey to absorb the nutrient solution. Even if he is a plant, he still thinks this way of eating is cruel.

It's like most human beings cannot accept that some people eat octopus. No matter what race, there will always be some practices that are rejected by the public.

The hair of the white bone vine swelled, mixed among the snow-white roots, wrapped around the necks of those people, and killed them with one blow.

Before dying, those people recognized the plant identity of the bone vine, but there was no trace of hostility, only gratitude and relief.

Crystal was furious. Having never seen a plant, it never expected that the hair of its prey would move like its own roots. It immediately let go of the corpses, and all the roots rushed to the bone vine.

But the bone vine didn't fight him, its body turned into nothingness in an instant, leaving the root hairs empty.

Immediately, the white bone vine almost flashed to the center of the roots, and all the strands of hair burrowed into it.

The vines above the water shook wildly, and suddenly there was a "crash", the entangled vines split into two, and fell on the water, writhing and struggling crazily.

The bone vine tore the crystal from its roots, but these roots struggled more and more powerfully, and they didn't look like they were dying.

He was wondering, at this moment, a wave of water energy swept towards him.

The bone vine immediately moved away, looking at the position where he had just stopped, a slender body had already appeared there.

He is a fox beast with long snow-white hair, a pair of pointed ears, and a gorgeous long tail behind him.The hair and tail fur spread out in the water, swaying with the water waves.

Just looking at his body posture is enough to make people fascinated, and his face is even more handsome.

Just those pair of upturned peach blossom eyes, I'm afraid even men will be fascinated by them.The cool and thin lips are almost transparent water color, the skin seems to be floating in the water, and the whole person seems to be made of water.

But Bone Vine is neither a woman nor an orc, and was not at all bewitched by this man's beauty, but just looked at him in surprise, as if saying: You are not dead.

The fox lightly opened its thin, colorless lips, and its voice was as cold as if soaked in ice water: "It's useless, it can't be killed like this."

Bone Vine did not make a sound, waiting for him to continue.

"Crystals are born of water, and 90.00% of their bodies are made of water. As long as there is water, it can regenerate infinitely." The fox beast said, looking at the light above, and said: "However, plants are attached to sunlight. If you can Turn off the light source and it won't be able to respawn, but we can't get out."

As soon as the fox beast finished speaking, the figure of the bone vine disappeared.

In a few seconds, the lights above flickered, and the circuit made a short-circuit sound.

【Updated today】

(End of this chapter)

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