Chapter 265 Rescue
The snow fox was alone and was surrounded by groups. Countless sharp claws wanted to kill him, but on the way there he was bleeding from all seven orifices, and he died miserably halfway.

The wind fox rushing over was regarded as an enemy by him, and was about to launch an attack. He felt his straightforward and strong gaze, so he took another look at him.

"Wow!" Fenghu yelled excitedly.

Xuehu's blood-red pupils showed no emotion, she turned her gaze away, and attacked another lion beast that was charging fast.

The lion beast is the power of the lion. Seeing that all the beasts are suppressed by the ranks, he can only go out in person.

When he ran within a certain range, he felt the blood in his body churning, and most of his experience suppressed the noise in his body, and he roared and attacked with a stream of air.

Xuehu immediately jumped aside, his speed was mediocre, and he looked a bit embarrassed under Shi Quan's random attack.

At this time, more high-level orcs surrounded them, all of them were powerhouses with materialized energy, and it was no problem to resist Xuehu's large-scale attack. Xuehu immediately fell into a dangerous situation.

With a whistling sound, Fenghu flew into the encirclement, and stood in a row with Xuehu, hostile to the surrounding beast army.

Only then did Xuehu take a serious look at him, but his eyes were full of strangeness and doubts.

Fenghu didn't notice Xuehu's eyes, and stared at the orcs around him guardedly.

Seeing this, the wolf nitrate in the rear immediately said to Xiong Yao: "You take people to rescue them, and I'll go find Guoguo."

"Okay." Xiong Yao replied in a deep voice, turned into a black bear more than three meters high, and ran over on a pair of thick feet.

Hu Mitian, whose body was glowing with metallic luster, also roared and charged forward, followed closely by She Ling.

Lang Ni and Yingxuan went straight to the center of the military base, and under Yingxuan's leadership, they found the entrance smoothly.

More than a dozen beast troops were guarding the entrance, and when they saw Lang Ni and others approaching, they immediately walked over cautiously.

"Open the door!" The wolf, who transformed into a human form, grabbed a beast soldier's neck and ordered.

The formation of the beast army was instantly chaotic, and the choked orc said intermittently: "The password to open the door is randomly generated every minute, and we don't know it."

"Who knows?" Wolfgang asked.

"Marshal Black Panther."

Lang Ni threw him away, and was about to find some marshal, when the orc's personal terminal that was thrown away lit up.

The orc was startled, then walked to the door, entered the password and opened the door.

Lang Ni was also taken aback, and rushed in regardless of whether it was a fraud or not.


Following the smell, Lang Nier went straight to the ward where Bai Yue gave birth.

Bai Yue's body had been completely restored by the bone vine, but the smell of blood in the room was too strong to dissipate.There was a blood-stained child lying on her body. Hearing the sound, the child looked at Lang Nier vigilantly.

The wolf stopped in a hurry, looked at Bai Yue, and then at the child on her body, his eyes were full of doubts.

After all, Bai Yue still hadn't completely gotten used to the pairing rules in this world. She felt a little guilty and lowered her head while holding the child she had with other people in front of the wolf.

"This is Qiuqiu's child." Bai Yue moaned like a mosquito.

Lang Ni opened his mouth, unable to express how he felt about the child.

Stuffy, tasteful, jealous.But it's more distressing, his Guoguo has lost weight again.

Lang Ni walked quickly towards Bai Yue, and the blood baby immediately straightened up, gritted his teeth, and was about to pounce on him.

"Baby!" Bai Yue patted the baby on the back lightly.

The baby stopped attacking, but still jumped out of the mother's arms with a kick, and quickly jumped out of the room on all fours.

(End of this chapter)

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