Chapter 268 Reconciliation
A group of teams rushed out of the city gate that had been crushed by plants, and entered the thicker green jungle.

A snow-white fox broke away from the huge team and ran in another direction.

Soon, another white fox chased after him.

"Wow!" Fenghu called out hastily.

Xuehu stopped, turned around, and looked at him with blood red eyes.

"Brother, where are you going?" Fenghu turned into a human form, and the excitement has not subsided, "Come with me, our boss is very good and has the safest city."

Xuehu also turned into a human form, and said indifferently: "I don't know you."

"How is it possible... You are obviously my elder brother." Fenghu's face changed, and he looked at Xuehu carefully again, confirming that this is undoubtedly the elder brother he regarded as an idol since he was a child.

The eldest brother's hair is as white as snow, which is an iconic symbol, and the beast-shaped appearance alone makes him [-]% sure.

What can prove his identity is his smell, which is the smell of his relatives.

Fenghu said with certainty: "You are my elder brother who was taken away by Hu Mitian more than ten years ago. Even if your eyes have changed, I will not admit my mistake."

"Oh, that's it." Xuehu said indifferently, "I don't like staying with orcs, you can go."

All of Xuehu's memories are in the pool. He lived and died several times in the pool, and was almost completely digested several times. The memory in his brain has been damaged, and he has forgotten many things in the pool.

He didn't know who he was, he only knew that the orcs had locked him in the water, and looking at him was like looking at a dead man.

Orcs kept being thrown down and dying, but he was the only one who lived on, gnawing on the discarded corpses to survive.

Compared to plants, he hated orcs more. If the group of people hadn't happened to save him just now, he would have attacked them indiscriminately.

Fenghu knew that he couldn't keep his eldest brother, so he didn't say a word for a long time.

Xuehu didn't stay any longer, turned into a beast and ran away.

Fenghu lowered his head.

A silver wolf walked up to Fenghu and turned into a slender and strong male body.

"The past is in the past, even your elder brother has let go, you should live for the future." Lang Ni said.

Fenghu said in pain: "Boss."

Lang Ni continued: "You have already killed Hu Mitian once, and he only really died that time, which is regarded as revenge. For my sake, don't cling to the past."

Fenghu smiled wryly: "Even if I can let it go, can Hu Mitian let it go? I'm afraid he won't be able to tolerate my life."

"Why can't I let go?"

A thick voice came over, it was the Tiger Mitian they were talking about.

Hu Mitian smiled and said frankly: "I have killed countless innocent orcs. It is not an exaggeration to die a hundred times. I have already made up my mind to be killed. But it is only one time. I still owe you several lives Bar."

"A dozen lives." Fenghu corrected in a cold voice.

Hu Mitian was silent.

As he said, he killed countless innocent people for the crystal, and he no longer remembers which family Fenghu is.

"Forget it, you are just a puppet of the capital, and the capital is the target of my revenge." Fenghu understood that Hu Mitian would be a more powerful help for the boss, so he stopped entangled: "Since the capital is destroyed, my revenge can be regarded as Report it, and I won't kill you again."

Hu Mitian exhaled, and slapped Fenghu on the shoulder heavily: "Okay, we will be brothers from now on!"

Lang Nit also patted Fenghu on the shoulder, and took the lead into the team returning to the city.

【Updated today.

Many people commented on the last book, which made it hard for those who haven't read it. Here is an advertisement for the last article: "The World of Beasts: Planting Farms, Raising Cubs".

Curtis, Baby Snake, and Lan Ze all belong to that book, and the cuties in the book shortage can go and read it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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