Chapter 299 Go Skating 3
Xiong Yao went out to chop firewood again, and the wolf cubs sniffed the scent and found him from outside the city.

Then Bai Yue asked Xiong Yao to split the wood she had chosen into pairs of planks, called the bone vine and Lele down, and the whole family set off.

In the winter, the gates of the amusement park are closed.

There are not many females in the city, and the males are not willing to let their females go out in this cold weather.

They don't have such good physique as Bai Yue. Once the weather comes out, they will get sick once, so the amusement park has closed down early.

What's more, the electricity was cut off, and there were not many things to play with when the door was opened.

There is not even a guard at the entrance of the amusement park, and a layer of white snow has fallen on the gate, like a long strip of freshly steamed hair cake.

Bai Yue grabbed the door rail with her gloved hand, and put her face on it to look at the amusement park: "There's no one there."

The wolf cubs below also grabbed the door bar, passed through with their whole heads, and turned their heads to look around.

One big and three small, their movements and demeanor are exactly the same, and they look like mother and child at first glance, which inexplicably gives people a strong sense of cuteness.

Xiong Yao smiled and looked at it for a while, put his hands under Bai Yue's armpits, lifted her over the gate, and put her into the amusement park.

"Papa Bear, Papa Bear!"

The wolf cubs immediately hugged the bear's legs, looked up at Xiong Yao eagerly, their bright eyes seemed to say: "Hurry up and hug me in, hug me in quickly."

Xiong Yao threw the wolf cubs in one by one, and finally turned to look at Lele who was quietly standing aside, "Come here, I'll hug you."

Lele was still listless. He glanced at the gate and walked straight over. His fleshy little hands grabbed the gate and climbed up.

Don't look at his fleshy body, he is more flexible than a monkey when he climbs, and he rolled over in two or three strokes.

The wolf cubs froze immediately.

As older brothers, they need someone to carry them in, but their younger brother, who is three months younger, can crawl in by himself.

This is so humiliating.

Immediately after Xiong Yao and Bone Vine climbed into the gate, Bai Yue walked quickly towards the Great Lake with his backpack on his back.

"Go and see if the lake is frozen," Bai Yue said.

The wolf cubs lost their excitement and followed behind their mother with drooping heads and ears.

Bai Yue didn't see the wolf cub rushing to the front, so he looked back and asked strangely, "What's wrong? Are you suddenly unhappy?"

"Wow~" The boss rolled his eyes and rushed towards his mother pretending to be energetic.

It's embarrassing enough to be inferior to your younger brother, but don't let your mother notice.

The second child and the third child are the boss's followers, and they also ran along.

The young wolf cubs naively thought that their mother didn't know that they were not as strong as their younger brothers.

But in fact, Bai Yue had seen Lele's most ferocious appearance on the day she gave birth to Lele.

In the open air, there is a thick snow.

As soon as the wolf cubs rushed in, there was a "puchi", and the whole wolf was gone.

There were two more "puchi" sounds, and the remaining two wolves were gone.

There were only three holes in the snow, and when viewed from above, three pieces of silver hair could be seen, which almost blended with the snow.

The wolf cubs were dazed at first, and then they became playful, struggling frantically in the snow, setting off bursts of snow particles.

Bai Yue laughed a few times, raised her legs and stepped into the snow that was a lot higher than the indoor ground.

With this foot, her knees were submerged directly, and she could still feel that she hadn't stepped on the ground.

Taking another step, both legs were buried, and it was not easy to pull them out.

Bone Vine followed behind, and suddenly smiled slightly.

Such Yueyue is like a naughty plant, struggling to leave the soil.

It would be great if Yueyue was really a plant, they could grow intertwined, bask in the sun, rest, and be together all the time.

【Updated today. 】

(End of this chapter)

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