Chapter 307
The specially made big bed was very firm, but it couldn't withstand Xiong Yao's beastly impact, and it wobbled and groaned.

The male's panting and the female's thin moaning sounded alternately, playing a moving movement.

The wolf cubs finally ran back, the courtyard door was wide open, and Hu Mitian and Yingxuan Sheling were poking their heads outside the door.


They yelled defensively.

Hu Mitian tilted his head and saw the hedgehog-like shapes of the wolf cubs. The corners of his mouth twitched, but he didn't smile. He frowned and asked, "Did your mother fall into the water?"


The wolf cubs groaned unhappily and ran into the yard.

"Aww!" As soon as they got home, they went to the bedroom to find their mother.

The raised quilt on the bed shook back and forth, and the voice inside was ambiguous.

The wolf cubs who had just rushed in paused, and immediately understood, they retreated together, and closed the bedroom door with their paws.

Standing in the living room, the wolf cubs felt heavy and shook their bodies, and the fur on their bodies jingled, the sound was clear and sweet.

I wanted to use my transformation to remove the ice, but just as I was about to transform, I felt pain from needles on my body.Transformation will cause the hair on the body to retract into the body and turn into skin, but these hairs are frozen, so they will naturally be pulled.

This body of ice can't be shaken off, and it can't be changed even if it transforms. It really traps the wolf cubs.

The fur on his body is so heavy, why haven't Qiuqiu and Lele come back?
The wolf cubs had nothing to do with the ice fur, and they all looked at the door eagerly, hoping that Qiuqiu would come back soon.

Hu Mitian and others were still at the door, and saw the wolf cubs shaking in the living room, as if they were trapped by ice crystals all over their bodies.No one came to help them, presumably there were no extra adults at home.

Hu Mitian strode in, "Is there no adult at home? Why don't you go to my house, I'll give you a hot bath, and the ice will melt."

Speaking of which, Hu Mitian glanced at the closed door, the sound insulation effect of the bedroom is very good, but the orc's ears can still hear some sounds, and he understood immediately.

The wolf cubs looked at each other a few times, then ran out, in response to Hu Mitian's words.

Hu Mitian glanced at the door for the last time, thought of something, sighed, and walked out.


At this time, the bone vine that the wolf babies were talking about was still in the amusement park, standing quietly on the ice layer, looking coldly at the bottom of the ice layer.

The cold wind blows the surface of the water exposed to the air sparkling, but this wave of light has solidified at some point and turned into a solid layer of ice.

The ice layer that was broken just now has been covered with a thin layer of ice again.

Under the ice layer, Lele held his breath and looked up at the bright sky above. He kicked his short legs hard and jumped up.

The lake is not too deep, more than ten meters, which is only the height of Langyan Villa. It is not impossible for Lele to jump on it.

But water has greater resistance than air, Lele only jumped two or three meters high, and his body began to sink again.

He has been dancing like this at the bottom of the lake for a long time.

Fortunately, he has half of the plant genes. As long as he can be exposed to the sun, the hair on the top of his head can carry out photosynthesis to breathe.

It is also because of this half of the plant genes that he is not so easily frozen, and he is still thrashing.

Lele's body sank uncontrollably. Thinking that the wolf brothers could float on the water by constantly waving their limbs, his eyes lit up, and he immediately imitated their movements, danced and kicked the water vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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