Chapter 394 Bai Yue Saves Her Husband
"You are still on the top of the mountain. This is the spiritual energy you released." Bone Vine explained.

Bai Yue was surprised and said, "Isn't it a dream?"

Bone Vine pointed at the mudslide and said, "Although they are safe now, Xiong Yao's earthen shield is afraid of water and cannot last long inside. Once the earthen shield is broken, they will be washed away by the torrent, and the trees and rocks in the torrent will be washed away. Blocks can kill them at any time."

Bai Yue immediately said, "I'll help them!"

With that said, Bai Yue jumped into the mudslide without hesitation.

"Yueyue!" The Bone Vine hurriedly followed, but was still a step too slow, watching Bai Yue's spiritual thread stretch into the mudslide.

Bone Vine hesitated for a moment, but did not continue to follow.

What Bai Yue released was just a spiritual thread. Even if it was interrupted, it would seriously hurt her vitality, but it would not hurt her life.But he is a spiritual body, if he collapses, he can only return to his body to heal his injuries.

At this moment, he couldn't leave, so he could only watch Bai Yue act stupidly.

When Bai Yue entered the mudslide, she immediately felt that the road ahead was even more stagnant. It was like a concrete wall, and every inch of progress brought her sharp pain.

On the top of the mountain, Bai Yue's face began to sweat.

The three males guarding her were all anxious. Hu Mitian touched Bai Yue's forehead, and the skin he touched was wet and cold. He urged, "Get some more stones, Guoguo must be cold."

Ying Xuan immediately prepared to go.

Hu Mitian saw Bai Yue's face turning blue, and hurriedly said, "Yingxuan, come here, you get into the blanket and hug her, and Sheling and I will go find the stone."

Yingxuan hurriedly turned back, transformed into a human form, and got into the quilt, wrapping Bai Yue and Lele beside him tightly with his wings.

This seemed to relieve Bai Yue's chills.

Below, Bai Yue finally found Xiong Yao's earth shield after a painful "long trek".

[Wolf Nitrate!Xiong Yao! ] Bai Yue shouted.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!" There was a slight knocking sound from the earth shield, and there seemed to be voices, but the sound waves could not be transmitted through too many debris.

Bai Yue felt at ease, and covered the soil shield with mental threads, using her weak strength to resist the impact of the outside world.

Inside the soil shield, Xiong Yao's expression relaxed a little, and he said with a sigh of relief: "The water seems to be separated from the soil, and the soil shield will not be damaged."

Wolf Nip breathed a sigh of relief, and then frowned again: "But we don't have enough oxygen, so we still can't last long."

At this moment, a patch of grass and trees grew below.

Lang Ni touched it, his face was happy, and he immediately turned on the light on his personal terminal.


With the light, the leaves of the new plants are greener, as if they are exhaling carbon dioxide and converting it into the oxygen needed by animals.

The Bone Vine could see the situation below, and was shocked to see what Bai Yue did.

Unexpectedly, in order to protect them, Yueyue broke through the bottleneck at this time, wrapped the soil shield with spiritual threads, and isolated the water from eroding the soil.

With the moisture separated, Xiong Yao can strengthen the soil shield, and the two of them will be fine.

Although he is also a spirit body, his form is different. He is a mental illusion, which can shield the senses of creatures. It is impossible to change the form to protect the entire earth shield.

Bai Yue, on the other hand, is real spiritual energy, which can change forms and control physical objects, but the disadvantage is that it may be backlashed.

Seeing that Yueyue has worked so hard for these two people, the Bone Vine will not allow them to die.

With a wave of his hand, all the seeds in the earth shield germinated and grew.

The plants inside can supply the oxygen the two of them need, now when the mudslide stops.

(End of this chapter)

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