Chapter 401

Each bamboo has the thickness of an adult male's waist, and stands proudly in the wind. Only the tens of meters high bamboo tip is shaking slightly, which shows its stability.

"This place is very suitable for the panda tribe, but unfortunately they don't have a personal terminal, so we can't contact them to live here." Bai Yue said regretfully.

Lang Ni carefully looked at the bamboo forest in front of him, and said: "Longsheng is lush, but relatively stronger, we have to be careful."

As soon as the words fell, a small figure rushed into the bamboo forest.

"Oh, there's water to drink!" Lele heard Father Wolf say that there was water in the bamboo forest. Now that he saw the bamboo forest, he rushed in excitedly.

"Hey, Lele!" Bai Yue also hurried to catch up.

In this way, males who want to play it safe have to go after them first.

Suddenly, an angry tiger howled from behind.


Hu Mitian frowned, turned around and said: "It seems that I have met the same kind."

Hu Mitian looked forward to meeting the same kind in a different place: "I hope he can give us some water."

Lang Ni looked back, and saw a yellow tiger running fast, aggressive, but not as happy as Hu Mitian when he saw the same kind.

"It seems that the visitor is not kind." Wolf said.

The tiger beast ran to the edge of the bamboo forest, stopped moving forward, and turned into a tall and burly man, with an unfriendly expression, saying: "This bamboo forest is very fierce, you guys get out quickly."

Lang Ni glanced at Hu Mitian, Hu Mitian raised his hand, signaling him to ignore it, and then walked over.

"It doesn't matter, we have the ability to deal with bamboo, thank you Brother Hu for your concern." Hu Mitian smiled authentically, and did not change his face at all because of the other party's rejection: "My name is Hutian, and I am an orc from the east. I don't know what to call you?"

Hu Mitian still uses a pseudonym for the same reason: to make too many enemies, just in case.

"Hulin." Hulin replied with a rough voice, his tone was as low as Xiong Yao's, but it lacked a bit of magnetism, and there was only rudeness, without masculine temptation.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Hu Mitian nodded and said, "I'm going to fetch water with my teammates, let's get some from my waist?"

"Stop all of you!" Hu Lin continued with a cold face, "This is the territory of our Bengal tiger orcs, and the bamboo forest is also our water source during the dry season. You are not allowed to take water casually."

Wolf Nitrate was about to cut bamboo when he heard this and stopped.

This meal made Bai Yue anxious. He licked his lips again, and turned his head to say something, but the wolf covered his mouth.

"Don't talk, this is not a panda beast." Lang Ni whispered.

Bai Yue nodded repeatedly. She was used to being casual, but she suddenly wanted to play dumb again. It's strange that she was not used to it.

The adults can still restrain themselves, but Lele can't help it anymore. Seeing that Father Wolf didn't make a move, he hugged the bamboo anxiously and took a bite.

"Crack!" There was only a mouthful of bamboo material without any moisture.

Lele was immediately disappointed.

Hu Lin's face darkened, and he said in a calm voice, "That cub also shut up!"

Hu Mitian also turned cold, and his body flashed with golden light, showing a metallic luster: "It's just a child, why be so serious? The bamboo belongs to you, and we will pay the bill."

Seeing the metallic luster on his body, Hulin saw a trace of fear in his eyes, and took a step back unconsciously: "Are you a strong energy materializer?"

"Unfortunately, all of us are." Hu Mitian said arrogantly, successfully seeing the fear on the faces of this kind, he sneered.

The intimacy with the same kind dissipated in an instant.

[Today's update is over, it's crazy]

(End of this chapter)

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