Chapter 452 Obediently Be By My Side
"You belong to the fox family, and you have the ability of the water element. How about... how about calling yourself Hu Shuihan?"

"Okay." Fox Beast said without thinking, with a gentleness in his voice that he didn't realize.

From now on, he will be called Hu Shuihan.

When the two talked, Bai Yue was not so afraid of him, and asked, "Where are we now?"

Hu Shuihan suddenly woke up, the warm color on his face faded, and he said coldly: "No one will find you here, so just give up and stay by my side obediently."

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Bai Yue's expression also turned cold, and she lay on the ground and snorted.

Hu Shuihan poked a piece of fish meat. This piece of meat had been roasted for a long time, and it would rot when touched. He finally poked it up and fed it to Bai Yue.

Bai Yue turned her head and said, "Don't eat!"

"Don't lose your temper, eat quickly." Hu Shuihan coaxed awkwardly.

Bai Yue had never experienced this kind of anger at home, and felt extremely depressed. Anyway, she was almost full, so she turned her head again and said impatiently, "Don't eat!"

Hu Shuihan was at a loss, and suddenly slammed down a branch: "If you don't eat, you will be hungry!"

After that, he got up and walked to the entrance of the stone cave, took a few breaths, and jumped down.

Bai Yue looked up to make sure he was gone, so she crawled out of the haystack, hugged her body and warmed herself by the fire.

The fire brought her warmth, but without the protection of the haystack, the cold wind was blowing on her body, and she was very cold.

Bai Yue looked at the wet clothes on the shelf, and now she only had a yellow vest and a beige coat left.

The coat is made of solid cotton and is knee-length. Even if you don't wear anything underneath, this coat is enough to hide your shame.

It's just that the clothes are too thick, and weigh ten catties when dry, and the weight doubles several times when wet. In this kind of weather, I think I can't dry it for a day or two.

Bai Yue took off the thinner vest and put it in front of the fire to bake.

Suddenly, she felt a powerful fox spirit approaching from top to bottom, and that perverted killer came again.

Taking advantage of the fact that he was still some distance away, Bai Yue hurriedly moved the fire to the haystack, then got into the haystack, and lay down on the grass to bake clothes.

Hu Shuihan soaked in the water for a while, calmed down, and then folded back, trying to protect the tinder.

When he was approaching the entrance of the cave, he lightened his movements, quietly hid outside the cave, and peeked at Bai Yue with his head.

Bai Yue "saw" his little tricks, pretended not to know, and continued to bake his clothes.

But Hu Shuihan couldn't help laughing, it seems that he underestimated the female, she can also take care of the nest when he is not around, she must have added a lot of firewood to the fire.

Isn't this kind of life what he has always fantasized about?
The female was just taken away from the original male forcibly by him, and he was just a little angry. He really shouldn't get angry with her because of such a trivial matter.

She doesn't seem to like the fish very much today. There are more tender fish in the deep sea. Let's grab a few and give her a taste.

Thinking, Hu Shuihan descended quietly and dived into the sea, like a slender and flexible sea fish, quickly dived to the bottom of the sea.

He has water ability, stays in the water all year round, he seems to have evolved into a fish.

He can get the oxygen his body needs from the water in more than one way:
Separate the components of water, extract oxygen from it, construct air bubbles, and breathe through the nose; he can also absorb oxygen directly through the skin. His skin has long adapted to water and will not swell due to long-term immersion.

When he reaches the deep sea, he can also create an isolation layer around his body to resist the pressure of sea water.

(End of this chapter)

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