Chapter 553 Production
"What's wrong?" Hu Mitian asked when he heard the wrong footsteps.

Wolf Nitre had already jumped down with Bai Yue in his arms, bringing a faint fishy smell.

Hu Mitian sat up with a jolt: "Guoguo is going to give birth?"

Hu Shuihan, who was about to fall asleep, opened his eyes suddenly, and stared blankly at Bai Yue who was in Lang Ni's arms.

"I'm going to be a father?" Hu Shuihan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and ecstasy burst out from his blood-red eyes, which the darkness couldn't hide.

Lang Ni gave Hu Shuihan a cold look, and put Bai Yue on the bed.

Bai Yue twisted her body, unwilling to lie down, and said softly, "It will get dirty."

"But it's cold on the ground." Lang Ni touched the soil beside him, frowning.

Bai Yue insisted, "Just on the ground, otherwise I won't have a bed to sleep in."

Xiong Yao sat down in the open space beside him, stretched out his hand and said, "Lie on me, wolf, bring Guoguo here."

As he said that, he turned into a beast shape, and his body suddenly became wider, like a sofa for one person.

Lang Ni put Bai Yue on it.

Bai Yue sat leaning against Xiong Yao's chest, felt the water flowing from her body dripping onto Xiong Yao's body, and blushed embarrassingly.

"Xiong Yao..."

"Hooo~" Xiong Yao bent his hands across Bai Yue's legs, bent down and kissed Bai Yue's forehead with black lips, expressing that he didn't mind.

Bai Yue suddenly remembered that there was Hu Mitian in the room, so she hurriedly pulled down her skirt. There was another contraction pain in her abdomen. She insisted, "Hu Mitian, Ma... Please go out, please?"

Hu Mitian nodded and said: "Okay, I'll go up and boil hot water."

After finishing speaking, Hu Mitian jumped out of the hole.

She Ling and Ying Xuan were also awakened, and they all gathered around the entrance of the cave to watch, and were taken away by Hu Mitian.

Hu Shuihan squatted beside Bai Yue, and carefully touched Bai Yue's stomach. It happened that the little life in his stomach twisted a little, leaving a mark on his stomach.

Hu Shuihan was startled, and withdrew his hand like an electric shock.

"My baby?"

Bai Yue groaned and said, " go out too."

"I won't go." Hu Shuihan said in an unquestionable tone, holding Bai Yue's hand: "I said, I won't leave you."

At this moment, her stomach was in severe pain. Bai Yue endured the pain, and the strength from her hands gave her some comfort.

After all, he is the father of the child, and she is giving birth to him. With him around, she feels a subtle sense of satisfaction and security in her heart.

Perhaps what every pregnant woman needs most during childbirth is the support of the child's father.

The bone vine also woke up, squatting on the other side helplessly, saw Bai Yue bleeding a little, and immediately wanted to treat her.

Bai Yue stretched out her hand to ward off Bone Vine's hand, and smiled slightly, with sweat already dripping from her face: "It's okay, I'll treat you later."

She was afraid that the treatment at this time would be too good for the child to be born.

The Bone Vine stopped immediately. He still knew little about natural childbirth, so he could only pin his hopes on the orcs.

Lang Ni wiped Bai Yue's sweat. As the child's father, he knew a lot about childbirth, and he could almost be regarded as a half-delivery "wife".

"Guoguo, don't be nervous, breathe evenly, don't hold your breath." Lang Ni's voice was calm and soothing.

Bai Yue let out a breath, nodded, and began to control her breathing.

Pregnancy in February is different from pregnancy in October. According to the data, the difficulty of childbirth is directly proportional to the length of pregnancy.

Basically, the longer the pregnancy period, the more difficult it is to give birth, and the shorter the pregnancy period, the better the delivery.

(End of this chapter)

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