Chapter 561 Rejecting Princess Disease

"Both male and female are children, they should eat well. You can't just spoil the second child, don't spoil it like a princess." Bai Yue cast a reproachful glance at Xiong Yao.

Xiong Yao asked, "What is princess disease?"

The wolf said: "In the past, the daughters of human leaders were called princesses. Our daughter is also worthy of the name of a princess. But the princess is sick, I don't know."

Bai Yue's face was full of contempt when he thought of the strange girl he saw in the newspaper.

The strange girl in the report is not a complete princess disease, she only gets sick at home.Because of her parents' doting, she developed the habit that parents should treat her well. When she grew up, she had a heart for comparison, and found that her parents couldn't give her enough money, making her inferior to the rich girls around her. The parents hated it deeply, and bluntly said "I hate them to death" in front of the reporter. The "they" naturally refers to the parents.

This is only a princess disease for parents. The real princess disease is such a requirement for everyone. Thinking about such a character is scary.

"Princess disease is a kind of person who thinks that everyone should treat them well for granted, is self-centered, selfish, and very annoying." Bai Yue frowned and said, "If you raise the second child like this, she will definitely so."

"It will still be like this?" Xiong Yao had no experience in raising daughters, so he was immediately taken aback.

Lang Ni was thoughtful, and after a long silence, he said, "They should be treated equally. As long as the second child is strong, he must learn everything in the future."

The two babies had already emptied Bai Yue's milk, and satisfactorily licked their mother's breasts clean before taking their heads out of the breastfeeding opening on their clothes.

The nursing mouth is like two shirt pockets, covered from the top, you can't see it if you don't know it.

While mouthing the opening of the breastfeeding mouth, Bai Yue said, "Well, they should be treated equally. But don't be soft-hearted, or I will educate her myself."

Judging by how rare orcs were with females, she couldn't trust any male to be harsh on a female baby.

Thinking of Bai Yue's doting on the wolf babies at home, Lang Ni couldn't help laughing.

Bai Yue also thought of the baby wolves, and gave the wolf a dissatisfied look: "Isn't the baby wolf as strict as you? I'll just focus on petting. But if no one is strict, I have no choice but to be a bad person."

Lang Ni showed surprise on his face, "So you dote on your child unrestrainedly because you have me?"

Bai Yue got embarrassed and bumped him with his shoulder when his thoughts were exposed, "Oh, don't worry about these details. Now that the baby has opened his eyes, I can go out and play."

Lang Ni saw that Bai Yue looked good, so he nodded: "Eat the jelly first, didn't you just say you want to eat it?"

"Yes, I almost forgot." Bai Yue stood up, patted her ass, walked to the stone table, picked up the jelly and said, "Let's go, I'm going out to eat."

Lang Ni picked up Bai Yue, and with a light stroke, he landed on the ground.

The weather is now hotter than it was half a month ago. Bai Yue came out of the cool air-conditioning room and suddenly came to the ground with normal temperature. It immediately felt like entering an invisible oven.

"Wow! It's so hot!" Bai Yue felt that the pores on her body were opening rapidly, and her cold skin quickly became hot.

Peg was practicing kicking against a tree root, making a powerful grunt.

Bai Yue went over with the jelly, imitating her posture, and kicked the tree stump limply.

(End of this chapter)

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