Chapter 635 Lotus Leaf Rice Dumpling (56)

Xiong Yao felt distressed immediately, put the little bear on the table, and touched it lightly.

"Hiss~" Bai Yue hid in pain.

"Bone Vine!" Xiong Yao shouted loudly.

Bone Vine immediately appeared at the kitchen door and walked quickly into the dining area.

He, no, it should be "she". As soon as he appeared, there was a sound of gasping in unison in the dining room.

Bai Yue heard the sound and looked, and saw a group of strangers in the store all looking towards the kitchen door. She followed everyone's gaze, and then...covered her face silently.

Should Qiuqiu be so conscious?It made her feel a little guilty.

"Hehe, I'm fine." Bai Yue stood up on one foot, stepped into her shoes with her bare feet, and walked towards the bone vine without putting them on properly.

Xiong Yao held her arm, and they went back to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, the bone vine popped the blisters on Bai Yue's feet, and then healed her feet.

Bai Yue moved his feet, feeling that the pain was relieved a lot, and said happily, "Thank you, Qiuqiu."

The white bone vine squeezed Bai Yue's feet, and said distressedly: "I found that the more I treat you, the weaker you become."

Just like the grass in the greenhouse, after a little wind and rain, it is discounted at the waist.

Bai Yue really did think about it. She used to run all over the mountains with wolf cubs. Although she was hugged most of the time, she also walked a lot by herself. Now she is really delicate.

She curled her lips indifferently, and said, "I'll just do more exercise in the future. Hey, Xiong Yao, I saw glutinous rice today, and I bought some to make glutinous rice balls."

"Glutinous rice?" Xiong Yao was puzzled.

Bai Yue giggled, and shouted out the door: "Wolf Nitrate! Bring the rice!"

Lang Ni and She Ling were putting ingredients in the kitchen, when they heard this, they came in carrying shopping bags, and a bag of [-]kg glutinous rice. "

Bai Yue happily opened the bag, grabbed a handful of glutinous rice, and handed it to Xiong Yao: "Look, how is it different from rice?"

Xiong Yao looked at it, sniffed it again, and said, "It seems to be more fragrant."

"Hee hee...the glutinous rice is very sticky after being boiled, and has a very different taste. It can be ground into powder to make glutinous rice balls." Bai Yue sighed after speaking, "It's a pity that there are no zongzi leaves. I really like eating zongzi."

Like to eat is one aspect, the biggest reason is like to play, just thinking about making zongzi is interesting.

"Zongzi?" Xiong Yao was confused again.

Bai Yue said: "It's the leaves of a plant that grows in the river. It's long and won't rot when boiled. Use it to wrap the glutinous rice, and the cooked glutinous rice will have a strong plant fragrance. I like to eat pork belly. Zongzi with salted egg yolk, bring some seeds when you go back, and I will make them for you to eat when I have a chance."

After hearing the words, Baiguteng squatted beside the bag, reached into the rice, and took out a few grains of glutinous rice that hadn't shed their shells, took them out and put them on the bedside table, and continued to touch them.

"There is a lake here. I'll go to the lake and pick some plant leaves." Bone Vine said while touching the seeds.

"Is it Zongye?" Bai Yue asked expectantly.

Bone Vine didn't know, and took out more than ten seeds from the rice bag, and then left.

He came back soon and brought back a large bunch of lotus leaves.

Bai Yue looked at the green leaves, each big leaf that could wrap her whole body up, and suddenly thought of a serious question.

"Isn't breaking the law?" The lotus leaves must have grown in the river, perhaps to reduce water evaporation, but now that water is so precious, the lotus pond must be a protected area.

The white bone vine directly picked the leaves, wouldn't it mean that they both got the stolen goods?

(End of this chapter)

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